Bryan's Little Corner

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What Did I Do to Deserve This?

I thought I was being nice to Paul for his birthday. I gave him a decent card, didn't really pick on him for how old he was although he thought I did somewhat, bascially I behaved. So why, why did he DO THAT TO ME? He gave me a book called Su Doku For Dummies.

Now I am not objecting to the for Dummies aspect. Actually I think the series of books are usually very good. It is funny seeing what some of the titles are like "Rocket Science For Dummies." Doesn't calling someone a Rocket Scientist usually imply they are smart, how could they be a dummy? What I was objecting to was the Su Doku game itself. The book contaings a good explination fo the game and then a series of puzzles from easy to diabolical. It even contains answers but you already know if you got it correct or not.

So now I have worked 2 puzzles and it is time consuming and but challanging. Soon I will move off of easy and dig in but why, why was he so mean? This is going to keep me so busy. Oh well, it is good to keep the mind busy.

A friend at work gave me Sex for Dummies as a joke. Who's laughing now? --Friends
Blogger Crabby said...

That sounds like fun to me! Unless....are there numbers?

Speaking of numbers (nice segway, huh?) Did you watch Idol last night? which (2) do you think are going to be voted out. Oh and don't forget tonight the boys are up.

Ignore all those people hissing. They really watch the show. Just don't want anyone to know about it.

February 22, 2006 5:13 PM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

I'm with Crabbie. I don't want people to know that I watch. I try every season not to but like a car wreck you just have to.

I haven't tried the Su Doku since I do't need any more addictions.

February 22, 2006 6:48 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Crabbie, yep it is a numbers things but not a bookie numbers kinda thing or a super charged power ball numbers king of thing.

This is my first season watching Idol as Brigitte pulled me in. It has been interesting so far and I have not found anything that makes me want to never watch again other than I just do not watch reality shows. I was just enjoying last night so I did not pay attention close enough to who would be off. I hit a few recap sites and I think the ones I would expect off this week or very soon are
Brenna Gethers, Heather Cox. I will pay closer attention this evening when the guys are on.

SignGurl, good idea ... run the other way. I think I am going to latch on to this big time. I am always looking to do things to keep my mind active and this feels like it will do nicely. I will just need to try and keep it in check however.

February 22, 2006 7:33 PM  
Blogger barman said...

OK, I hate this. The guys ... I only wanted to get rid of one at most, probably not even that. So for the guys I picked Bobby Bennet, Jose Sway Penela as not making it to the next round.

February 22, 2006 10:35 PM  
Blogger Crabby said...

Brian you are front and center HNT at the cowpie field.

February 23, 2006 1:09 PM  

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