Bryan's Little Corner

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Mid Life Crisis? Doubtfull...

Well it is that time again. My current vehicle is doing fine getting me around town but I am starting to worry taking trips with it. It is no surprise as I bought this thing almost 6 years ago and it was almost 8 years old then. So what am I going to get?

I could go with something a little more sporty like my Chrysler Laser Turbo I onced owned. This is a picture of something very simular to my car. I so loved and hated the t-tops. Nothing like having the top off in early spring or late fall even if you have to have the heater on full blast to keep from freezing.

I could also look at a fairly new car on the market. The Chevrolet Cobalt. If you think this car looks bad it is all my fault as I designed it that way. I have never had a purple car before. Hummmm....

Or most likely it could be like this one. I go to look at something very much like this tomorrow night. It is a 2002 so it will not cost an arm and a leg but yet it is still new enough I will enjoy it. We will see how it goes. If all goes well I could be the owner of a newer vehicle Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Oh and Carbcakes, I am taking a lesson from you and looking at color and cup holders. I am afraid they do not make these as convertable unless you get in a real bad accident.

[reading ad] "Used car of indeterminate year. Forced to sell by used wife, also of indeterminate year." $4,000? --Married... with Children
Blogger barman said...

Hi Petty, I do have a picture of the vehicle but until I decide to buy it, should that be my future, I am not going to post it. It will be exciting for me as it is the newest thing I have been in in ages but I am afraid that I lean heavy to the practicle side of things. Sporty and practicle generally are not used in the same sentence. *hugs* right back to you Peety. I hope you are doing OK.

April 22, 2006 9:11 AM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

A single guy like yourself should be driving a hot little convertible like Crabby's. If I didn't have kids, I would have one for sure.

Anxious to see what you end up with.

April 22, 2006 11:18 AM  
Blogger Roxi said...

hehheh.. purple is fun

April 22, 2006 11:57 AM  

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