Bryan's Little Corner

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Friday, October 20, 2006


This week in particular I have noticed more than a little talk of booty shaking going on. This brought back memories of my 8th grade. Let me take you on a way back trip. I remember it so well, sort of.

8th grade was funny. We were bumped up to the big school. For that particular year they moved the 8th grade into the high school. Here was this big old school to navigate. Lots of people too. Multiple classes with multiple teachers, it was more than a little interesting. I remember this one stair well in particular. Not because I had a make out session or something on it but I just remember looking up and seeing all the people passing to and fro.

One thing they did was hold dances that were only our grade. We went into the cafeteria that was all done up for the dance. The music was a blaring. The chairs were all line up along the wall. The refreshment area was busy but the dance floor, the dance floor was mostly empty.

Now we had the boys lined up against the wall. We had the gaggle of girls all clumped together but not dancing for the most part. They were probably waiting for the boys to come up and ask them to dance. Eventually a clump of girls would break off and go dance followed by some more. Of course there were a handful of boys that took to the dance floor too. Now that I think of it they were the same people that were being recognized as best dancers and best dressed.

Eventually this was a little bit of boy girl dancing going on, the music was playing, the mirror ball was a spinning and shining. Did I ever dance? Well maybe once or twice but ... I just don’t dance. Now I think I know why. I blame it on 8th grade, it ruined me. While this does not make sense, it’s my story and I am sticking with it.

Hey, hey! What's this I see? I thought this was a party. LET'S DANCE! –Footloose
Blogger KJ said...

you should dance......

it's fun!!!

October 20, 2006 12:03 PM  
Blogger Crabby said...

Boy would you and Bob get along. He mostly won't dance. Only if a gang of us force him out. LOL!

October 20, 2006 4:48 PM  
Blogger Manny said...

I always danced. Loved it. Never missed a slow dance. I think crab and I both came out of the womb dancing.

Don't feel bad though, I knew everone. Everyone there was either a friend of mine or an older sibling of one of them.

Btw, it was the seventh grade for me.

October 20, 2006 6:22 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Kristen, I have tried but I just feel so self contious.

Crabb, if we were not already brother/sister then I would say Bob and I were twins. You should see me at a wedding.

Manny, I more or less can handle a slow dance but it feels like like I just keep doing the same thing over and over again. Care to give some dance lessons?

October 20, 2006 8:42 PM  
Blogger GAB said...

absolutly No and you can underline that NO DANCING for me. Let me tell you something in the strickest confindance! My hubby and I and his cousin went down to hear my hubby's brother who played in a country band. My hubbys cousin wanted to dance. I said sorry I dont know how and he says just follow me. He dragged me out on the dance floor and started to dance.(slow of course) and half way through I dropped his hand and walked off the floor. I dont know who was more embarrased him or me. That was the last time ever for me. Talk about 2 left feet. Hubby dont dance either so Im safe!

October 20, 2006 10:32 PM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

I too, was in the "big" school for eighth grade. I loved the dances, although no one would dance with me :(

October 21, 2006 7:55 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Gab, I know the feeling. Don't worry, if we are ever in a situation where there is dancing I probably will be taking pictures of the people dancing and not trying to drag you up on the dance floor.

Sing, the guys do not know what they were missing out on. Now if that were me ... we truthfully I still don't like to dance but maybe I could have made an exception.

October 21, 2006 8:07 AM  

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