Bryan's Little Corner

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I have an idea, run for the hills...

I have an idea, run for the hills...

I just heard about someone out in California that is painting lawns green and he is swamped with lots and lots of business. Basically he says you paint the grass and it looks good for about 4 months allowing foreclosed homes to sell easier. It is sad that it has come to this but I guess you need to make the most out of it you can.

So I was thinking, what can I do with this. I mean my lawn is not picture perfect... actually far from. But at the same time it is in decent shape. So I really do not need his service. Maybe in the middle of summer when everything turns brown, but wait. Here is my idea.

Here in Michigan we have a winter that usually arrives about December sometime. By this I mean we start getting SNOW. Now snow is OK for a few weeks but then it just is no fun what so ever. By the time March comes along or even April you are so ready for it to be over. So why not paint the snow green. It will not be grass, it will not be spring but if you combine that and a nice sunlamp ... yep, that could just work. Well that or maybe just move south to like Kentucky or Tennessee or something.

OK, maybe I should just go back to sleep and try and not hurt myself thinkin’ any more today.

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