Bryan's Little Corner

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Move: World Trade Center

I know a lot of people will not want to read this, others may be upset but I still felt I needed to post something. Now I am not going into many details out of respect to the movie and people that may still wish to see it and also for those that just do not want to hear it.

First I am glad I saw it. I had my doubts and was even having second thoughts before I headed out. One thing they did not show... you never saw the planes. At one point you saw a shadow but that was it. They did show the towers smoking however. This movie was from the point of view of the two first responders, their families and other survivors.

Now they did jerk at your heart a bit. Some of which I think they could have left out, but maybe not. People from New York that lived through this may find a little of it hard to take as you see familiar landmarks and also see more of what happened in the area, some of which you may be more personally attached to than many of the people in the United States were watching from a far.

When the movie was over every one walked out early, before most of the credits had run. There was hardly any talking going on also. That is pretty much the way I felt too.

Now when this comes out I will be getting the movie. Of course I do not believe I will watch it again. I think for me it is part of the always remembering.

My hats off to the early responders, not just on that day...

Let me close with a comment from a user of the IMDB database, Note to be fair there are also a lot of conspiracy theorists on there too:

I was afraid this movie would be over Hollywoodized like Pearl Harbor was. However, the movie was made in good taste and was very emotional. It was the first time i had ever teared up at a movie. It captured that period very well and it brought back a lot of memories of that day for me and the days that had followed. The acting was pretty good, especially Michael Pena, who seemed to actually be living the experience instead of acting it out in a movie. When the movie ended the audience was silent(pre screening)and didn't clap, not because they didn't like it but out of respect. I felt really in-touch with the characters and while i teared up in some parts I also smiled and even laughed at some parts as the characters tried to cheer each other up. Expect it to win some awards.

We prepared for everything. Not for this. Not for something this size. There's no plan. –World Trade Center
Blogger barman said...

Denny I know that and I respect that. I just wanted to mention it and keep it rather low key. I am working on my next post anyway. I hope you have a great day Denny.

September 15, 2006 7:14 AM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

I've toyed with the idea of seeing it but haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I've heard others say that it's an excellent movie but I'm not sure I can handle the emotion of the actual day again.

Excellent post!

September 15, 2006 8:00 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Do yourself a favor Sign. Rent it and see this one at home when or if you are ever ready to see it.

Should you decide to take the plunge I think you will be OK with it. It is from such a different angle that it did not even feel like what happened that day. I still enjoyed it a lot however.

September 15, 2006 8:05 AM  
Blogger GAB said...

Im going to wait till its out on DVD then I will buy it and watch when no one else is around. (grandkids)not that I dont want them to see it I do...But I want to have my few moments first before I share. I can not go to a theather to see it because I feel that this is a personal type movie. I want to be able to cry when I want to and laugh if I need to. with out some one snickering at me. But I do want to thank you for the "preview" because so far you are the only one who has seen it then reported on it. Thanks Barman

September 15, 2006 8:49 AM  
Blogger Maribeth said...

I saw the movie too. Yes, it was hard. But at the same time the heroics of those men, made me proud to be an American.

September 16, 2006 5:40 PM  
Blogger Teena in Toronto said...

I doubt I'll watch it. I found it upsetting enough experiencing it the first time around.

September 16, 2006 11:08 PM  

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