Bryan's Little Corner

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Marshmallows, Not Just for S'mores Anymore - 1

This is the game were everyone takes a turn driving a marshmallow for distance. Basically everyone gets a marshmallow. When their turn comes up they are handed a golf club (the driver) and they tee up the marshmallow on a make shift tee. Then, with you best golf moves, you take a swing and see what happens. Until you connect and the marshmallow actually moves you can keep trying.

Now there are some problems. First there is only one club. That club is not the right length, especially for kids. Second the club is a right handed clucb and, much ot my surprise, not everyone is right handed. So some of the people might have done better but... (see, I made an excuse for them. Isn't that part of golf?)

OK, first person up... we have the line up

... and the swing ...

Look at that shaft bend...

And then a nice follow through... Wait a minute. That looks like the marshmallow he was swinging at. Now see that is the problem. Just because you holf golfed before, even if you were pretty good, that is a darn marshmallow. They say golf if a mind game and how can you wrap your mind around a marshmallow?

OK, lets give this another try... The mighty swing...

And this time we get the marshmallow of clean.

He was the man to beat for about a third of the people. Moving on...

Lets try someone else. Notice I am not (foolishly) standing in front of the golfers now. Out of all the golfers only one person came close, and I mean real close. I heard and swear I even felt the marshmallow wiz past my left ear. Yikes!

We have a nice swing and a follow through ...

And once again we have a swing and a miss. She sure was a good sport about it as you will see.

Lets try this again. Get lined up and ... SWING

I think she drove the divit further than almost anyone.

Many, many pictures later and several swings later she did manage yo hit the marshmallow and drive it a ways. I think yet get the idea. I am going to do one more set with a viriaty of shots of to finish out the Marshmallow game.

Yeah, but now I have a serious marshmallow jones. --Red Dragon

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