Saturday's Photo Scavengar Hunt - Dreaming |
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This weeks theme is Dreaming.
First let me say thank you Melli for being the first person to visit my hunt pictures this week and tell me I posted pictures for the wrong theme. I am more than a little embarrased. So I retooled and I offer the following. Keep in mind it was with short notice...
Here we have my brother-in-law from several years ago. Now I am not sure what he is dreaming about but it may very well be his dream home. Over the course of three years he built his dream home. Plumbing, gas pipes, sewage, phone, electrical, painting, heating/cooling, grating the property, planting the grass seed in clay (and having it take), intercom, television, siding, shimming, shimming, and more shimming. All in all he did not ruff in the house, do the cement work, brick work, insulation, do the roof, or sheetrock but he did everything else. That house is built better than any other house built as he exceeded most guidlines. Anyway this picture was taken about a month after they moved in. By the way, this is not his house I caught him dreaming in.
By the way, this is his home. This picture really does not do his dream home any justice.
Thank you for visiting and best wishes to you for a good weekend.
Labels: Dreaming, PhotoHunter
wow can I have that home please? does it have more than one bathroom? lol
as to hubby's pain its still there and he's being really stubborn about going to the docs even after he told me he wanted to go. MEN!
Gab, it has 3 full bathrooms and plumbing is stubbed in for a 4th one in the basement if anyone so desired.
I can ideentify with your husband unfortunetly.
I don't know how anyone could sleep on a hard wood floor. He must of been exhausted!
Have a wonderful weekend!
the mind can figure out the rest... And that's what dreaming is about. =) mines up....dreaming too!
Mysteriouslady, I am sure he was exausted but that is a orange carpet. It is a product of the 70s for sure.
Wow! I'm recooped quickly. lol Your daughter looks very peaceful while she dreams. The house is a dream house... hope your dreams come true! :)
I like dreaming. I don't know if I could sleep on the floor.
I need a soft cushion in order to dream, lol! his house looks wonderful, happy dreaming and happy weekend!
WOW - gorgeous looking house!! I'd love to have that!
Awwwww... that is a GREAT dream -- and a beauuuuuutiful home! It's wOnderful that your brothers dream DID come true -- and that he worked so hard to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
And you are so welcome! I'm sure you would have done the same for me!
Pamela, I am sure at least some of my brother-in-laws dreams have come true. Thank you.
Tricia, I suppose if you are tired enough you can sleep anywhere. I think he was trying to make up for all the missed sleep while building the house.
Manny, I have done it before but usually it is at least on an air mattress. I am getting to where I hope I do not have to sleep on the floor any more.
Thank you Mar. I am not sure I dream at all but he must have dreamed for his dream to come true. Thanks.
Pat, he sure deserved it as he worked hard for it. I know as I was an assistant for the last year and a half. I am supper about rounding up tools, making sure it is available when it needs to be available and handing out the tools or material when needed.
There you are Melli and thanks again. You know I would mention it.
Wow, I'd be exhausted after all that work, too! It sure is a lovely home :)
Have a super Saturday!
If I fell asleep there, I wouldn't be able to get up...LOL Beautiful home...I love it. Thanks for stopping by this morning. I really do need to link you to my blog..think I'll do that today.
cute pic and a lovely home. I love the porch!
Deb, if I were to have done that myself I would have died of exaustion after the first year. He did a super job.
Thank you for stopping by bbsgirl. That would be nice if you were to link me. And yes I love their house too.
tc, isn't that porch something.
wow that is one gorgeous house!! Great pics!
That is great :)
What a beautiful house too!
I want that house..
can I move in?
Man he must have been beat! Your BIL did an amazing job on his dream home!
Tammy that sure is a gourgous house. I find myself wishing I had some of that like that lovely porch. Thank you.
Thank you Leesa, they do have a lovely home.
Roxi, I suspect my Sister might have a problem with you moving in but maybe not. Just think of the good times you could have in that house.
He sure did. I can not believe all he needed to know in order to build it and have it turn out so good.
Hey! If Roxi get's to move in, so do I.
Now there is a party in the making Manny. It does have 4 bedrooms...
Wow........wonderful home.
Kristen he did a great job. I would love to have a house like that. Look at the porch alone.
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