G-Man is Not Michael Moore |
I bring to you a little something to think about. If you do not know G-Man (and who does not know G-Man?) you can find him over here.
Now he has been compared to Michael Moore. I present to you exhibit A

And how about exhibit B

And finally exhibit C

Now while there may be some resemblance, there is no comparing the people themselves. And as to the looks, hands down, G-Man wins. I do not know, I just do not think I see a lot of resemblance here.
What do you think?
Now he has been compared to Michael Moore. I present to you exhibit A

And how about exhibit B

And finally exhibit C

Now while there may be some resemblance, there is no comparing the people themselves. And as to the looks, hands down, G-Man wins. I do not know, I just do not think I see a lot of resemblance here.
What do you think?
That my friend, is why you are the Techno-Whiz, and blogging Icon that you are today!!!
You didn't have to do this, but you did!
You never have to help clarify my "gray areas", but you do!
You don't have to add links on your comments to me to help out, but you do!
Than You from the bottom of my heart for always having a kind word for everyone...
And you are a very loyal friend and contributer..
You Da Bar-Man!!!!! Galen
NO WAY! they compare Galen with HIM!!!!!!!
BRYAN... Out with the shameless post!!!
G-Man, did I die or something. You must be talking about someone else. Somehow this just felt like it needed to be done.
Mona, I think G-Man is much better all the way around. And I am afraid that is about as shameless as I get for the most part. :)
Michael Moore only wishes ahahaha!
ps -thanks for posting these, some of these photos of G I missed along the way!
This was awesome, Barman!
Very well presented!!
Galen you are adorable and all ours, just the way we like it. :)
Yeah yeah I thought so! I knew recognized him from somewhere else! LOL
HHNT Barman
Well done, Bryan.
Our G has a likable personality, even a blind man could tell G is better.
Yep MilkMaid, I agree. I guess Michael Moore has to do his thing but he IS NOT A G-MAN. Your welcome.
Snowelf, jest felt it needed to be done. Besides, I thought if he looked close enough it was time to make road trips to bars and see if we can take advantage if it. lol
Susie, you recognize him from his late night visits to your blog silly.
I so agree G-Man. Never meet Michael Moore but I have seen him enough and his antics to know which one I think is the better person. G-Man all the way.
I think you should run a caption contest for MM # 1. I bet you will get heaps of rude replies...
I think GMan looks much better than that MM freak. GMan has it going ON.... whereas MM simply wears his buttox upon his noggin.
You are so right, nothing like G-man. MM has a face only his mother could love!!!
Naw, G-man has a way better beard.
Excellent presentation! Couldn't have made a better case myself. Acutally, I probablly couldn't have done it at all! And everyone is right... G-Man is the better man, all the way around.
AWESOME post today barman...G-man is a winner HANDS DOWN!!!
MM is such a loser and a hoser...
Brillian, Bryan!! I told you all (you already knew, B) that G-Man was better looking!
JJ, you know I would. That is a most interesting picture of MM.
Day Dreamer. Glad you could stop buy. Not only the looks but G-Man is the real thing. It was a pleasure meeting up with him the one time. Now MM, I just think is kind of a jerk the way he goes about doing things.
Queenie, to funny. G-man, a whole blogger community can love!
Tony, MM does have a rather scraggly beard, doesn't he. Now I ask you, who would you buy a car from?
Hi Snow White. Yep, the day Gaylen is anything like MM is the day I lose faith in mankind. You do not fake a personality like the g-ster has.
Jillie, I think you have to come down and check that out in person. Perhaps a Wisconsin meeting sometime???
Alex, sorry if I am wrong but I am deleting your comment. The WEB says that the site you mention is SPAM. I do not want to drag my friends into something bad. Sorry.
You know he is Sign. He is such a smoothie too.
thank you for demonstrating so clearly what i have said all along. gman is way better looking and clearly practices grooming and hygeine much better then MM. not to mention the greater charm.
Thanks for the visit Lime. Speaking of visit I hope your's is going well. I know what you mean about charm. I could never hope to be half as charming as the g-ster is. And you know what, it's not an act, he really means it. One could not ask for a better friend. You know, I think you are right about the grooming and I did not go out of my way to try and make MM look bad. That is just what I found.
There is no comparision to our G-man. He's the bomb!
let's see, one looks like a giant pompous horse's rear and the other looks like a kind gentleman.
I think you know who I pick.
You got that right Gab.
TC, so you pick Michael Moore? I am surprised. OK, just kidding. I am not a fan of MM but I think a lot of the G-ster.
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