Bryan's Little Corner

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I went a wandering yesterday. Well truth be told I was going to get me some cheap Mexican. Number 13 with hot sauce. Yum. Anyway I was on my way walking past the Hallmark store and I was curious so I looked in the window. There is was...

It’s Christmas in July. Well they do not call it that but they do release their Christmas keepsake ornaments in July every year. Here are but a few that they have. The first two do not arrive in the store until October however.

I have always threatened to do my Christmas cards in July and mail them out since I never seem to have the time at Christmas time and before I know it, it is past Christmas. Maybe his year. I have about a week left ...

I found out something interesting after I left work last night. I was minding my own business going to the home improvement store (Home Depot) to get some grass mending supplies. I have had enough of how many weeds I have so I figure a little water since we are not getting rain (OK so a lot of water) and some weed and feed and some quick grow seed for other areas... and I will probably see no improvement but I just have to try. Anyway I am getting off subject.

There used to be this small building at the entrance to the parking lot. That is now torn down and the ground is all worked up and there is now a sign.

Coming Fall of 2007... Tim Horton’s.

Whoo Hooo. Hey maybe the G-Man may even visit more often now. :) I clocked it, it is about 2 miles from my house, near a legitimate stop (home improvement place) and, if I change the way I go into work, on my way to work. I need to give it a try once they get it done. Looking forward to it. I have enjoyed what things I have had at other Horton’s in the past. The only problem... my gosh, I swear there are coffee houses everywhere. Downtown (which this is not downtown) there are 5 within two or three blocks. Seems like a bit much to me.

Have a nice day everyone...
Blogger Crabby said...

YOU'RE GETTING A HORTON'S! This is HUGE! sniff. sniff. I'm so happy for you. Your life will never be the same. See, all those other coffee places...oh sure, they have good coffee, but ..... Horton's has good ice caps for cheap. And that's a happy thing.

July 24, 2007 4:20 PM  
Blogger GAB said...

Are these minatures? Oh god I gotta go shopping. Bad Bryan Bad! Mr Gab will flip when he finds out that I found out ooooooohhhhhhh.(hiding)

July 24, 2007 4:49 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Hands Crabby a Kleenex. I know, it's a beautiful thing. It will soon be safe to visit.

GAB, the middle one is minitures and about $20. The other two are the size of a normal ornament and I think about $15 or so but I am not sure. There are others too.

July 24, 2007 6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute ornaments... My first name is Christmas and I am a HUGE fan of ornaments... generally speaking it takes me about 4 days to set up the event in my house. :) The only hallmark ones I tend to buy each year are the Barbie ones and well... sometimes something else if its REALLY cute... they have a new mouse on each year. I got into designer glass ornaments a few years ago... Radko being a personal fav ;)

And I dunno what Horton's is, but from the other posts i'm guessin its a coffee place and I am ALL for coffeeeee!! I'm an addict!

July 24, 2007 7:02 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Christmas isn't as special as it used to be for me, since my little one is grown. :<
You should consider some of the water gels for your lawn, they should minimize the requirements. They say you can eliminate something like 70% of your weeds in 1 season with 2 things, mowing regularly, and fertilizer.
You need to urge the Horton's people to expand into central Florida.
Hope all is well with you.

July 24, 2007 7:49 PM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Guess what? They are putting a Horton's on South Cedar by me. Now we have two ways to lure G-Man our way.

July 24, 2007 9:02 PM  
Blogger Just Jan said...

I love Tim Horton's!!!!!!!!!!! I wish they had them here!!

July 24, 2007 9:22 PM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

Never been to a Tim Horton but he must be a wealthy man! I don't know if we have them in Cali.....never seen one!

July 24, 2007 10:11 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Christmas, other than Peanuts ornaments I rarely get a hallmark ornament. So I am a lot like you only they make more peanuts ornaments a year than they do Barbie. The other ornaments sounds very interesting. Horton's is a Canada coffee house. They are also in about 5 to 8 of the United States and growing slowly. It may take them a while to hit Cali but if they do, they are a good place to check out.

Charles my problem is one I have not put enough fertilizer on and two I do not water. Both are not good for the lawn. So you hot it on the nose. As to the gels I know nothing about that. I know Horton's is growing. They will head your way eventually, I just do not know how soon. Of course if you wanted to open a franchise...

Sign I saw that. Actually they have two somewhat in your area I believe so now there will be THREE of them. He has to come now.

Jan isn't that a shame to have them where you come from and then move and they are no more. You will just have to visit your daughter. I am sure they will hit your state before long.

Little Wing I thing they only go about as far west as Ohio and Michigan but they are growing. They will get there eventually but by then you guys will probably have moved on to something else.

July 24, 2007 11:19 PM  
Blogger Cha Cha said...

Heh, heh...

...grass-mending supplies...

In Chicago there is a coffee place every three blocks.

And none of them are Tim Horton's.

I want one to open up here just so I can try it!

July 25, 2007 11:46 AM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

barman, I am not a big coffee fan (please don't kill me!) but I do like me a cuppa decaff. I get my own beans and grind them, grinding coffee beans can soothe the soul!

July 25, 2007 1:08 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Strumpet, are we talking about that funny kind of grass? I have a feeling it will take them a year or two to make it your way.

Little Wing, no problems here. I typically have one cup of coffee ever day I come into work and that is it. Every once in a while it will be two or three but that is rare. As to the decaff, I should be drinking that instead myself. Oh and I do not grind beans but I love the sound and the smell of grinding beans. Ahhh!

July 25, 2007 1:20 PM  
Blogger Anonypus said...

Horton's = Yumm-O

Lucky Man!

July 25, 2007 2:19 PM  
Blogger G-Man said...

"May I take your order"?

'Yes...I'll have a large regular coffee with double cream please'!

"That'l be $1.55 at the window, pull around please"!

Oh yeah......
The Aroma
The Taste
The Serenity
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Tim Horton's!!!

Let me know brother....G

July 25, 2007 9:52 PM  
Blogger Cha Cha said...


I am talking about MOWING THE LAWN!

It usually takes me about 10 minutes in the shower.

If I have all my proper supplies, of course.

July 26, 2007 6:39 PM  
Blogger BTExpress said...

Charlie Brown and his and have always been my favorite. Tim Horton? Not familiar with his stuff.

July 26, 2007 8:22 PM  

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