Cornhole Progress |
Since I planned to have these cornhole games done for Labor Day (first week of September) and since I failed miserably with all that I have been up to lately, I thought I would share where they are now.
Yesterday was an insane day. I came home for lunch and drilled recess holes for the carriage blots that will eventually hold the legs on. You can see one of those holes in the first picture. As with everything it seemed easy on the surface but there were complications until I came up with an idea and yea, got it done and back into work.
Then after work as soon as I got home I dressed up for the task at hand and started cleaning the garage to allow me access room to work. Then set up the saw horses and boards to lay out the work. After that I primed and primed and primed. I primed the bottom of the boards. I primed the legs, I primed the top of the boards. I primed it all again. I did a little sanding where I saw rough spots. I even primed the carriage bolt holes. In the end I took a couple of small breaks and 5 hours later I was DONE with the priming.

So am I doing a perfect job. You would think so with how long it has been taking. I think I am doing pretty good but you know what... I am doing pretty good but I know I am not a wood working genius. Take for instance this 6 inch hole. It took tons to get it done and I made it a whole lot better than when I first cut it. You will notice, however, there still are flaws.

Here are the legs with the first coat of white. There will be one or two more coats before I am done with it. How do you like the rack for drying the legs. Kinda looks like a garage door track. That might be because it is.

Well I know that was not exciting but at least I am making progress again. Since I will be out this weekend celebrating my Dad's birthday I will need to finish these boards up next week. Well except for the logos that I will add over the winter. I think I have figured out how to do 3 of the 4 logos. Ohio State however is much more complicated. I need an artist so bad!
I hope to have an update toward the end of next week. Now you know how boring my life really is.
Yesterday was an insane day. I came home for lunch and drilled recess holes for the carriage blots that will eventually hold the legs on. You can see one of those holes in the first picture. As with everything it seemed easy on the surface but there were complications until I came up with an idea and yea, got it done and back into work.
Then after work as soon as I got home I dressed up for the task at hand and started cleaning the garage to allow me access room to work. Then set up the saw horses and boards to lay out the work. After that I primed and primed and primed. I primed the bottom of the boards. I primed the legs, I primed the top of the boards. I primed it all again. I did a little sanding where I saw rough spots. I even primed the carriage bolt holes. In the end I took a couple of small breaks and 5 hours later I was DONE with the priming.
So am I doing a perfect job. You would think so with how long it has been taking. I think I am doing pretty good but you know what... I am doing pretty good but I know I am not a wood working genius. Take for instance this 6 inch hole. It took tons to get it done and I made it a whole lot better than when I first cut it. You will notice, however, there still are flaws.
Here are the legs with the first coat of white. There will be one or two more coats before I am done with it. How do you like the rack for drying the legs. Kinda looks like a garage door track. That might be because it is.
Well I know that was not exciting but at least I am making progress again. Since I will be out this weekend celebrating my Dad's birthday I will need to finish these boards up next week. Well except for the logos that I will add over the winter. I think I have figured out how to do 3 of the 4 logos. Ohio State however is much more complicated. I need an artist so bad!
I hope to have an update toward the end of next week. Now you know how boring my life really is.
I've been wondering when we would see a post of the actual product. Nicely done! You are really doing a great job!
Bryan those are fantastic! They look great!
I love watching the progress on them!
Have a great weekend with your dad, hope he has a wonderful birthday.
Oh and my Friday 55 is up.
wow and look at the detail you are going into explaining this to us as well. Good job Bry cant wait to see finished project!
wow they look great Bryan man of many talents.:)
All I know, Bryan, is that it is neat when a project starts coming together. Congratulations.
Now Bryan, why haven't you ever told me you could build thing's?
Thank you Sign. They are not perfect. I think I would give me maybe a B- on it. If I were to build another set it would be so much better. I hope I will have the more or less finished boards next weekend. Oh and I am getting the logos all figured out too I think. I was thinking of asking you if I could get something printed I could apply to the boards but it would be MSU, UM, OSU and the Red Wings logo all of which are copyrighted of course. Darn, it would have been much easier.
Thank you Little Wing. My family is feuding so it will be a pain but I will still enjoy part of it. I will post something late next week if it is done or not. I would have liked to pull a Tony and do a step by step but that is so much work. Do something, take a few pictures. Do some more, more pictures. It especially gets hard when painting as I always get paint on me (well the rubber gloves I had on) and I would get that on the camera. I ended up not doing all I should. Oh well. I wanted to do a 55. I even knew what I wanted to do and the small twist at the end but alas, I ran out of time. There is always next week.
Gab I can not wait to see the finished product too. I plan to show them off, point out a few features and show the flaws. After all everyone gets me flaws an all on my blog. Thanks a log GAB.
Top Cat, I am not afraid to try something but sometimes my ambition is bigger than my talent. I have learned so much on this project. I really should document some of the tricks.
Thank you Nick and yes it is. I like how it looks so far. Just a little longer and it will make a huge jump forward. I can not wait.
I so can build things Manny. I specialize in messes. Would you like me to build a mess for you?
Look at you and all the progress!! You go Bryan!!
I think it's pretty cool Bryan- a lot of work too.
Happy Birthday to your Dad ! :)
totally missed you today.
I want to know how this game works..
Thank you Snow. I get back into it this morning. I am getting there ...
palm spring sevant, it was a bit of work but it has been enjoyable to watch it take shape.
Mona it was strange but the birthday thing went well. He turned 75 on Friday. After the party I took him outside and worked him (had him help with painting the boards). I am so mean.
Lady Roxanne, first you start out by drinking. Then you drink some more as you play. They you keep going until you either pass out or run out of stuff to drink.
Well I think that is the way it works. This started out in Cincinnati are and has caught on at colleges and NASCAR among other places.
Basically you play with two boards that sit about 30 feet apart. Either two or four people play. Half of the people stand at one board, the other half at the other. You have 4 bags of corn that you toss at the other board (that is about 30 feet away). First you throw one bad then the other team throws one of their bags and you continue till all 8 bags are thrown.
You are trying to get the bag through the hole. If you do that counts 3 points. The other way to score is for the bad to stay on top of the board without falling off off or partially sitting on the ground. If it does stay on the board that counts 1 point. You are trying to get to 21 points first. There are a couple of other complications like canceling out points but some people just play it as simple as I just mentioned.
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