Bryan's Little Corner

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Owen 16

Owen 16
Originally uploaded by abarndweller
I found this photo out on Flickr. It so goes along with what I have to share from yesterday.

Yesterday, after having unburring myself from the over 10 inches of snow and braving the rather nasty weather conditions of yesterday I went to see the Detroit Lions play their 15th game of the NFL season. What did I see at this football game?

First let me say it was interesting. Ford Field where the Lions play is a lovely stadium. Although we were most of the way to the top, the seats were still nice. We sat in a corner and had a decent view of the field. If you wanted to see it closer you either needed to bring binoculars, have closer, much more expensive seats or watch the giant board that had very good coverage of the game.

Anyway what I did see was a fan be ejected from the game. So what did this fan do to get ejected from the game? This terrible person, a felon for sure, probably life of crime with a rap sheet longer than anyone can handle, on the naughty list for sure... brought a grocery bag into the stadium.... GASP, NOT THAT!

It is on the list of prohibited items. They obviously hid the bag on entering the stadium where it should have been discovered and pitched. So what is so wrong about bringing in a grocery bag? Well personally I think a person is making a statement and should be allowed to do this and I do not think there is anything wrong with this. But what this person did was wear a make shift shirt like the one above. Upon first looks the jersey looks normal. But there is a meaning behind it. The Lions who were playing their 15th game of the season have not won a single game yet this season. This game was no different and they lost 42 to 7. Chances are they will lose their last game next week hence the shirt ... OWEN 16 or 0 and 16, their record for this season.

Anyway what this person did was wear the bag over their head. This was suppose to represent the unknown Lions Fan. If you are not familiar with with the Unknown Comic, here is a clip of his act that the unknown Lions Fan is based on.

The Unknown Comic

So this person was expressing their displeasure with the team. I mean if you are a pro sports team how can you possibly lose each and every game of a season? And what happens... immediate ejection from the game. What makes this even worse is you are not allowed to bring a video camera with you nor are you allowed to have a decent camera with you so you could not record this person being ejected from the game so it is as if it never happened. Oh there was one more thing this person had with them. A make shift sign (which is allowed) that read, WHY AM I HERE? Well I figured this needed to be at least mentioned.

So was the person in the wrong? You bet they were. I watched them put on the bag and quickly take it off after a very short time. They where hiding it of course. But to me it just feels like they were being muzzled. What could it possibly hurt to allow even every fan in the stadium to wear a BAG over their head. COME ON, the Lions are terrible. No other team in the NFL has ever went 0 and 15. Next week they will set another record and not win a single game in the season. Their over all record since 1930 has been they lose 54 percent of their games. It has not been since 2000 that the Lions have won more than they lost.

Anyway, I may just need to drop the Lions. The only way they will ever get better is for the fans to abandon them. As long as the franchise continues to make money what incentive is there to ever get better?
Blogger John C. Goacher said...

Hi Bryan,

the Lions are having an unusual and unfortunately a consistently poor season. But I don't know that abandoning your 'local' team is the answer. There is only one NFL team in Michigan and who else would you cheer for?
When I lived in Michigan, I was a Tiger fan in Summer and a Lions and RedWings fan in Winter - when I was interested in sports at all. Now, I support the Tampa Bay Rays who did well this year, the Lightning who have been rubbish since winning the Stanley cup a few years ago, and particularly the Buccaneers who have been cold and hot and inbetween since winning the Superbowl in 2003. I support the local team wherever I am, as part of the community I live in.
It also makes it safer to walk the streets and have conversations with strangers.
Maybe the Lions will do better next year. You don't need money to make a winning team (the Rays did it quite cheaply over the past 10 years).
Nice post and thanks for the Unknown Comic clip.


December 22, 2008 9:41 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Normally I would never say to abandon the team but the Lions are never getting better. As long as the Fords keep bringing in money it seems they could care less if the team is any good or not. It seems to me that if they were hit in the pocket book they may pay attention. Of course than they might just sell the team. I know, bad attitude.

Oh well. It is good to adopt the local team. For you I think you should adopt the local Jai-Alai team.

December 23, 2008 8:36 AM  
Blogger Pam said...

it's always tough when your team has a losing record. makes it a little embarrassing to even like them, doesn't it?

look at my san diego chargers, well ok, they've won a few games, but they have a LOSING record. they were sposed to be THE team this year.

all i can say is, if you're a true fan of whatever team you choose, you don't abandon them. you stick w em thru thick and thin. one day they just might surprise you :)

December 23, 2008 1:21 PM  
Blogger John C. Goacher said...

No, jai-alai is just about gone. There are only a few places left and none that I have heard of in this area. Maybe all the ex-players are into shuffleboard now.


December 23, 2008 10:47 PM  
Blogger John C. Goacher said...

Oh yeah, and Ciara, your Chargers whipped my Buccaneers on Sunday. Good for you and them because SD played better than TB and deserved it. We need to finish what we start. We've been having trouble getting through the red-zone all year.

I like your comments on loyalty and eventual success too. Everything goes around in cycles. The Lions will be great again one day. Will Bryan come back and support them when they are?


December 23, 2008 10:51 PM  
Blogger Spoony Quine said...

OH MY GOOD LORD. The Bag Man is clever. We will never see him for what he is, a hideous, hideous creature from the planet Zantac.

The Unknown Lions Fan truly haunts me.

BTW, there's more of the music video up....

December 24, 2008 4:28 AM  
Blogger GAB said...

Well the Lions just seem to be taking a lesson from the Vikes. For awhile we did really bad. Then all of a sudden we are doing great.(well except for this weeks loss)Its too bad that they can play that bad and still get paid the high bucks. I say if they win pay em if they lose cut their pay in half! or maybe not get paid at all. lol. Merry Christmas

December 24, 2008 9:48 AM  
Blogger Mona said...

Merry Christmas to Bryan & Family!

December 24, 2008 11:43 AM  
Blogger snowelf said...

Bryan, I should have the recipie for the Chocolate Mint Brownies tonight as I'm going to my moom's and I'll send it soon. :)

Merry Christmas!!


December 24, 2008 12:06 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

I couldn't agree with your last statement more! My husband has been a Lions season ticket holder for 20 YEARS! He is talking about dropping his tickets after this year. NOW THAT IS BAD! PS< I have been following your blog for a year now. I don't remember how I came across you but I live in MI too. Have a nice Christmas!

December 24, 2008 10:22 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

Oh and my husband had this same idea (the unknown Lion's fan) WEEKS AGO but didn't go through with it. I will have to tell him about the guy getting thrown out because of it. SHEESH!

December 24, 2008 10:24 PM  

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