Bryan's Little Corner

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

He Does Exist

Well I started out my last day of Christmas this past Tuesday by staying way to long at my brothers but I never get to visit so it just made my day longer is all. I went to and store and then made a phone call.

It happened. After 8 or 9 months Top Cat and I finally met on Tuesday. How convenient he lives so close to my brothers. I am sure there will be future visits. For now I was able to see his equipment that he uses to produce his music. I could spend all weekend on that alone. I also got to meet most of the pets, all but the one cat that was particularly shy. At the very end of the short visit Mrs Top Cat made it home from work and what a pleasure it was meeting her.

One thing I experienced while there was what a wonderful person Top Cat was. From his hospitality, to the way he treated his pets, to well everything. I got to see a child in a candy store and I hope he considers that a compliment because it was meant to be. He was expecting a new synth that he had won on auction to show up. The postal carrier showed up and he was all excited that his package might be, could be, should be there. He met the carrier and I must say what a wonderful little conversation ensued with someone he had never met before. Listening to that, at that very moment I knew Top Cat was everything I had ever imagined and more. What a super person.

Well the visit ended rather suddenly was it was time for me to head on and for them to get ready for other activities that evening. Even so I so enjoyed the visit.

Back down by my parents house I went over a friends house for a visit. I left so late from there but it was worth it. I was able to help him out on several things (they really ought to make WEB pages more friendly for blind people), talk about some old times, go out to dinner, visit with the pets and in general have a nice time.

Finally I tore myself away, went over my sisters house to collect a few items and make a mad dash back to home. I had a very enjoyable but busy extended Christmas time but it sure was nice to be back in my own bed. I had a couple of other people I would have liked to visit with but there is always next year.

If we conferred with our furry friends, man to animal
Think of all the things we could discuss
If we could walk with the animals, talk with the animals
Grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals
And they could squeak and squawk and speak and talk to us --Talk to the Animals
Blogger SignGurl said...

Glad you and TC got to meet each other. You both sound like nice guys.

Happy New Year to you!!!

Hope you are feeling better and let me know if you need anything!

December 31, 2005 2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Bryan, aw what a nice recollection you've written of our meeting.
Yes, it was great meeting, it was just like we've known each other for a long time, even mrs.Tc said you were very easy to talk with and she felt comfortable being around you.

So I do exist and you exist as well, folks Bryan is just like the blogging Bryan, very friendly, interesting and helpful minded.
Thanks for stopping by Bryan, Frodo says Hi!.

January 01, 2006 9:43 AM  

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