Bryan's Little Corner

Welcome to Bryan's Little Corner 

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Have You Ever?

WARNING: There are over 100 questions. It may take some time to read.

Put an "X" by all the things you've done and share it with your friends.

1. ( ) Smoked a cigarette.

2. ( ) Crashed a friend's car.

3. ( ) Stolen a car.

4. (x) Been in love.

5. ( ) Been dumped.

6. (x) Shoplifted. Not real proud of this one.

7. (x) Been fired/laid off. Twice actually. Neither time was really justified.

8. ( ) Been in a fist fight. I once was pissed at someone and picked them up and threw them but not a fist fight.

9. ( ) Snuck out of your parent's house.

10. (x) Had feelings for someone that didn't have them back.

11. (x) Been arrested. We don't talk about this. I was very young. See #6.

12. ( ) Gone on a blind date. Nope. Never needed to.

13. ( ) Lied to a friend.

14. (x) Skipped school. Yes, on senior skip day. Well that and a few college classes.

15. ( ) Seen someone die.

16. (x) Been to Canada. Many day trips including a curling weekend. Also a week long vacation.

17. ( ) Been to Mexico.

18. (x) Been on a plane. Many times but not recently.

19. ( ) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire. Set hair on fire that was no longer on my head.

20. (x) Eaten sushi. Not a big fan.

21. (x) Been skiing. I have my own cross country skis.

22. (x) Met someone in person from the internet. Almost a dozen people including TC on Tuesday. I have been lucky, no real regrets so far.

23. (x) Taken pain-killers. Vicodin is the best. I try to stay away from pain killers however.

24. (x) Love someone or miss someone right now. I have a cousin I was really starting to enjoy and then he passed on of a heart attack.

25. (x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by. I highly recomend it.

26. (x) Made a snow angel. Hello, I live in Michigan! (borrowed from Jenn)

27. (x) Had a tea party. Do I have to admit to this?

28. (x) Flown a kite. Even flown a stunt kite before on trip to Canada.

29. (x) Built a sand castle. Natch.

30. (x) Gone puddle jumping. Growing up a boy I think it is a right of passage or something.

31. ( ) Played dress up. Not inclusing Halloween, I guess not.

32. (x) Cheated while playing a game. Come on, doesn't everyone know how to cheat at computer solitaire? Other than that I not on purpose.

33. (x) Been lonely.

34. (x) Fallen asleep at work/school. It has happened a few times. Once I marked out for the day and went home.

35. ( ) Used a fake I.D.

36. (x) Watched a sunset. They are beautiful but then so are sunrises too!

37. (x) Felt an earthquake. About 3 of them but in Michigan they are very small.

38. (x) Touched a snake. Gardener snakes and I believe a boa in High School.

39. (x) Slept beneath the stars.

40. (x) Been tickled.

41. ( ) Been robbed.

42. (x) Been misunderstood.

43. (x) Petted a reindeer/goat. Seems like I remember a goat in there somewhere.

44. (x) Won a contest. Does Bingo count?

45. (x) Ran a red light. It happens.

46. ( ) Been suspended from school.

47. (x) Been in a car accident. About 5 but nothing for a long time. 1 was my fault.

48. ( ) Had braces. I should have but the parents couldn't afford both my sister and me.

49. (x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night. Put one heck of a dent in a half gallon before too.

50. (x) Had deja vu. Growing up I had it all the time. Not so much now.

51. ( ) Danced in the moonlight.

52. (x) Liked the way you looked. Occasionally

53. (x) Witnessed a crime. Saw someone get stabbed.

54. (x) Questioned your heart.

55. ( ) Been obsessed with post it notes.

56. (x) Squished barefoot through the mud. Not recently but what fun.

57. (x) Been lost. I am a man, I don't get lost. LOL

58. (x) Been to the opposite side of the country. Living in the mid west, what is opposite? California and Florida should cover that however.

59. (x ) Swam in the ocean. Once in Florida.

60. (x) Felt like dying. Yes many times including #11.

61. (x) Cried yourself to sleep. Yes on more than one occasion.

62. (x) Played cops and robbers.

63. (x) Recently colored with crayons. Not yesterday but this year.

64. (x) Sung karaoke. Yes including on Monday, run for the hills.

65. (x) Paid for a meal with only coins.

66. (x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.

67. (x) Laughed til some kind of beverage came out your nose.

68. (x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue. If it is good enough for the Charlie Brown Christmas special, it is good enough for me!

69. (x) Danced in the rain. If you want to call it dancing.

70. (x) Written a letter to Santa Claus.

71. (x) Been kissed under the mistletoe. Not recently, darn.

72. ( ) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about.

73. (x) Blown bubbles. I have a Texas sized bubble maker that can make 8 inch bubbles.

74. (x) Made a bonfire on the beach. Love the beach.

75. (x) Crashed a party. Sort of.

76. (x) Gone roller-skating. Yes. Had my heart broken at a roller rink.

77. (x) Had a wish come true. I wish these questions would end. Darn now that I told you that it probably will not happen.

78. ( ) Worn pearls.

79. ( ) Jumped off a bridge.

80. (x) Ate dog/cat food. Tried it before if that counts.

81. ( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them. Hey you, reading this ... I love you.

82. (x) Kissed a mirror.

83. (x) Sang in the shower. And in the car before. Better not drive anywhere with me.

84. (x) Had a dream that you married someone. Yes but I do not remember the jucy details.

85. (x) Glued your hand to something. Yes with several things including crazy glue but not to serious problem getting out of it. By the way, does anyone have any nail polish remover?

86. (x) Got your tongue stuck to a flagpole. On a dare.

87. ( ) Kissed a fish.

88. (x) Sat on a rooftop. I'm very afraid of heights but I pulled this one off. It was fun.

89. (x) Screamed at the top of your lungs. Yes including once in Middle School which I got the paddle for, my only time. Ouch.

90. ( ) Done a one-handed cartwheel. I tried 1 handed but I could only two handed ones.

91. ( ) Talked on the phone for more than six hours on one occasion. 2 1/2 was my max and I wanted off so bad but I was polite.

92. (x) Stayed up all night. Many time including just this past week getting ready for Christmas...

93. ( ) Didn't take a shower for a week. Three days maybe but a week, pew.

94. (x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.

95. (x) Climbed a tree that had a tree house.

96. ( ) Been told by a complete stranger that you're hot. Flirted with but not hot.

97. ( ) Ever had a one night stand. My whole life feels like a one night stand but no.

98. (x) Ever missed someone so much it still hurts to think of them.

99. (x) Ever loved someone that you knew wouldn't love you back. Story of my life.

100. (x) Ever been to a professional baseball, football, or hockey game in a stadium. Let's see we have the Tigers, the Lions and of course the Red Wings. Check, check, check. Got it covered. Of course one might question if the Tigers and the Lions count as profesional.

101. (x) Went hiking in the mountains. Very small hike but yes.

102. (x) Smoked a cigar. Guilty.

103. (x) Had a crush on someone you worked with but never told them. Several, even someone that was married. I tried to tell one person several times but I got cold feet.

104. (x) Wished you had the chance to change your profession. Yes every now and then. I still say selling sea shells by the see would make a great back up plan.

105. ( ) Ever cremated and kept the ashes of a pet you cared a lot about.

106. (x) Wished you could live your life over again beginning at age 21. Sure a do over would be fun. All this mistakes I could avoid but then I learn from my mistakes.

107. (x) Been baptized.

108. (x) Rode a horse. Several fun stories there including the time I dropped the rains and the horse just walked back to the barn.

109. ( ) Sent flowers to someone you never met. I hear GiGi likes Daisy's...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gees, how did I know most of your answers you are generally an all around nice person so these don't surprise me.
Cheat at Solitaire, have to admit, I don't know how, at least on the computer.
I shoplifted something from a church fair when I was young but I felt so guilty I rode my bike back and put it back on the table.
Can you imagine explaining you were returning it? lOL

As far as the tea party goes, we can explain that one of two ways
a) you were hosting a party for guests from the British Embassy or
b)you had taken Acid and were having a party for Alice and her friends.

Cool list,
ahh I love being off work.
PS, Wifey's sick now.

December 29, 2005 11:06 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Hi TC. There were several I really did not want to answer. I did a few stupid things growing up but for the most part was OK. Now I think Jenn is going to need to put her house up for sale since she will find out what undesirables live near by.

For the Microsoft Solitaire game here is the cheat. When playing the game in standard (3-card draw) mode, hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift and click on the card deck to draw a single card. I sometimes do this when I am frustrated and just want to win one.

The shoplifting thing, stupid things as a kid I guess. I hate that I did it but in the long run I am much more straight laced than I would have been otherwise. I guess I learned from my mistake.

Hey I have a niece that is 10 now and being the good Uncle I try to be there has been a tea party or two involved in there. So I take choice C).

I enjoyed my time off too. We had things I felt I needed to tend to today so I am at work and then off Friday and Monday. Yes!

Sorry to hear about the wife but hopefully she will have a long weekend to recover.

December 29, 2005 2:23 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

You had a tea party and didn't invite me? I'm offended. And I knew your face looked familiar when I saw the 'shoplifters of Walmart' pictures hanging on the wall as you walk in. That was you!

Great list! ;)

December 29, 2005 3:17 PM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Hmmm...this looks! Great to get to know more about you!

I guess I won't sell my house just yet.

December 29, 2005 5:55 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Deb, the tea party was before I knew you. If it were to happen now I would be sure to send out the formal invite. The Walmart in your area still has my picture up? I thought they took all those down long ago. Somebody got some splainin' to do.

December 29, 2005 6:16 PM  
Blogger barman said...

It should look familure. I got it from you and copied a couple of answers since they applied to me too.

Not moving ... bad choice but I will try to behave.

December 29, 2005 6:18 PM  
Blogger wmy said...

OMG!!!! I made it all the way through...excuse me now, cause my eyes are popping out of my head! LOL...What did you shoplift btw??

December 30, 2005 3:36 AM  
Blogger barman said...

I stole something to help decorate the dance. I wanted to fit in with people. Seems like I have always had issues.

December 30, 2005 12:50 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Hey Thwar, no one is making you, honest. I got this list from SignGirl. At first I said no way but then I thought why not. It took some time and it brought out a skeleton or two I keep tightly locked away but maybe that is a good thing.

December 30, 2005 12:55 PM  

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