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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Grand Slam Time

Ever had one of those days where everything you seem to do goes right. I have had two days like that when it comes to sports. This is about one of those days.

Back in the late 70s I was on a Conrail bowling league. Our team was doing OK but not burning up the lanes by any means. We had our ace in the whole. He had a bowling ball bag the contained not one but TWO bowling balls. This person took the game seriously. The other two people on the league where much more like me, just average. Myself, I bowled a 139 average. Rarely did I bowl a game under 100. Equally rare did I bowl a game 150 or higher.

You know the funny thing about bowling, at least with this league. They used handicaps, something to try and even out teams so it would be more fair. Now our really good bowler did not contribute to the team a lot. Why is that? Well he bowled fairly consistently. He also carried a fairly high average. What this means is you did not get a lot of points from him bowling over his average. Also he skewed the handicap meaning we would get less pins against a team then we otherwise would get.

Me, I was interesting. Not having all that high of an average, especially for a man, it did not take much for me to bowl a little over average. So the other team would need to bowl hard just to stay even but I could just have a little better day and bingo, our team benefitted. The other two bowlers were mostly average two with a lower score. One was an older lady and she did OK. The other was a little younger and she... also did OK. Funny, now that I think about it I say older lady. Back than I was in my early 20s. She probably was in her early 40s. It is all relative I tell you.

Now my day to shine. One really strange day we had two bowlers not show up. Our really good bowler and the younger lady where MIA. Great we get to forfeit the game but we still get to bowl. Oh another thing about that day, it was bottle night. I believe they awarded a bottle of booze to the person on a team that was most over average.

Well now that the games really did not count I BOWLED MY ASS OFF. I have no idea where it came from. I have never had a 200 game but this night was destined to change that. Not only did I bowl one but I bowled 2. 200+ games. For a person that has a 139 average I should bowl a series (3 games) of about 437. That night I bowled a 571 series. Yes I did and I still have the bowling sheet for that week framed and sitting in a box somewhere.

So what did this get me. Well we had to forfeit the games. I won the bottle. I won an award at the end of the league for bowling 150+ over average (humm, my math tells me I must not have been carrying a 139 average at that point). I also won a belt buckle that said something about the 571 series.

So there you have it. A fairly watered down version of what happened that night. Oh and I hung my shoes up after that league was over. OK, so that is not true but it makes a good ending to the story, correct? Actually I have bowled a bit since then. I even was on a few other leagues including THE DRINKING LEAGUE. But I have never, ever bowled a game over 150 again since that one unbelievable day.

So have you ever had a day like that. Not necessarily in sports. It could be anything. You could play a musical instrument and have a song that you never could play before just come to life and just be so right. Same thing could happen in singing. You could suddenly just be on and type a mini novel that you just never knew you where capable of. You could take that photo or series of photos that just somehow shine. You could be super Mom or Dad to your children in their lives for a day. Of course that one just goes without saying. What ever it may be it really feels good to hit a home run, to hit one out of the park. This particular day I hit a grand slam. Now it was not all that important. It did not make a difference to anyone but it was something I will never forget.
Blogger SignGurl said...

First! Two days in a row!!! I might just be having a grand slam!

That was a very interesting story about bowling. I can just picture you bowling your a$$ off.

LOL at "older" ladies. Oh to be a kid again.

May 22, 2007 8:07 AM  
Blogger JC said...

Twice... softball.
In elementary school, the schoolyard bully was up to bat, I was in right field. I prayed for that ball to come to me! Yup... high fly, and I barely had to take a step. Yes, I did catch it.

Early 20's in a league, last inning, other team's tying run on third, winning run on first, one out. I was playing first base. Got a line drive to me. Hit my glove so hard it bounced straight up... I got on my knees under it... bobbled it once more before getting it firmly in my glove. When I stood up, I tell you everyone was looking at me, the first base runner had taken off early, oops, I stepped on the bag and had an unassisted double play that ended the game.

May 22, 2007 3:10 PM  
Blogger jungle jane said...

Damn, you yanks play weird sports. what's wrong with cricket and soccer?

May 22, 2007 4:39 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Way to go Sign. You know, I wish I was bowling my a$$ off. That would be so nice to lose a few pounds. Isn't it funny about how we perceive age and how it changes over the years. Amazing you young whipper snapper you.

JC, I did something with the bully in gym before and got him out in SLAM BANG. He was pissed and I ended up with a fractured wrist and an ennemy for the rest of my time in High School. Yikes, hope yours in grade school went better. Oh and congratulations on that double play... simply marvolous.

JJ, cricket is all but non existant here I think but the youngins are playing soccer a lot. It is just a matter of time before soccer is one of our most important sports. Not sure we will ever take is as serious as you guys do.

May 22, 2007 5:28 PM  

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