Bryan's Little Corner

Welcome to Bryan's Little Corner 

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Gone Fishing

I am on my way out the door sometime tomorrow morning for a family reunion and probably will not be back until Sunday night. Have a great weekend everyone.

Now the layout. I am looking into placing a picture in the header. I am not sure what it is like doing this in the new layout but I am still using the old layout. After a lot of attempts I finally got something I kinda like. The problem is it looks great (well OK) in FireFox but not very good at all in Internet Explorer. I will try and work on that some more but I don't know, I have already spent almost 2 hours trying to figure out why it is so different and fix it.

Now the picture. I talked to Crabby and asked her for a picture or pictures of Lucy that I could add to my header. Well not only did I get some cute picture of Lucy that I will find a way to work into an even better head picture but she also included this picture of Friday, a dog who has since passed on. When I saw the picture I just knew with a little cropping I could use it as my head picture until I can get together an even better picture. So no, that is not my dog. And thank you so much Crabby for allowing me to use the pictures. You are the best.

See you Sunday evening...
Blogger Crabby said...

You did a great job! I'm on firefox and it looks perfect here.

July 28, 2007 7:52 AM  
Blogger barman said...

You know Friday looks just like Charlie. Charlie is a dog someone I work with used to have. The one thing about Charlie, he loved to run around in a circle but not just any circle. He always ran in a circle clockwise (to your right to all the digital people). I never saw him run to the right. Sometimes he would walk straight but for the most part, nope, clockwise circle. He was always cute.

Thank you so much Crabby.

July 28, 2007 8:05 AM  
Blogger GAB said...

Looks good to me and I only have Internet explorer. Thanks crabby for loaning bryam the photo it looks great!

July 28, 2007 9:15 AM  
Blogger barman said...

I don't know GAB. On my end the page is to wide like by over an inch. I could probably adjust for that but then I am sure FireFox would look funny. Arg! Thank you.

July 28, 2007 9:37 AM  
Blogger Manny said...

reminds me of Ladd.

July 28, 2007 10:27 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Hugs to Manny in memory of Ladd.

July 28, 2007 10:29 AM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

I love the header!!

I've been toying with a picture for mine too but just can't seem to get it right. It's terrible because you can spend hours and then find out IE is screwed up. I feel your pain.

Have a great weekend!

July 28, 2007 10:41 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Sign, here is what I want. A nice little cozy corner, probably with wood floors to make it easier to paste items into the picture. I would like and over stuffed chair in the corner with a table near by. It would be nice to have a book on that table with reading glasses folder up (most likely) on top. Possibly a pipe and ashtray although I do not smoke. I would also like a fireplace near by and, if possible a dog (this is where Lucy comes in) laying on the floor sleeping or at least looking cute.

I'm not asking for to much, am I. I have looked through iStock to see if I could come up with at least part of that picture. I looked through pictures I have. I know I hae seen at least once place similar that I could take a picture of but I have no idea where. One of these days I will get it all put together.

July 28, 2007 11:50 AM  
Blogger lime said...

have a terrific time:)

July 28, 2007 12:37 PM  
Blogger Rick Rockhill said...

hope you have a good time...tell us all about it when you return

July 28, 2007 5:39 PM  
Blogger JQ75 said...

The releases can have an effect, I run Vista (Ugh, PITA), Firefox V2 at latest levels, and IE 7.

For me they look fairly consistent.

Couple ideas right off the bat...

Your image source is outside your anchor link, so the image is not clickable, which is OK if that is your intent, just wanted to bring it to your attention.

I see you custom cropped the image just a little smaller than the banner so as not to rely on resizing. That's fine and will prevent distortion.

You'd think that the para align center would center the img source too, but for me they are both floating left. I'd suggest adding an explicit CSS margin to push it over.

The two BR tags are leaving space after your title in Firefox, but not IE7. Again an explicit CSS top margin will push it down.

But it appears (at least to my old eyes) that when you hover or visit the title link the color nearly disappears against that gray, you may want to adjust these colors, an unvisited link (as in IE that I rarely use) looks fine.

In your source I see these definitions 3/4 of the way down the first page inside a style block , right after the body definition as a:visited and a:hover.

I'm sure you've thought about template vs new layout. Obviously you do have a nice template and it might be troublesome to convert to an equally good looking layout. I'd suggest that you setup a test Blog and tinker with it in case Blogger does something crazy (who them?) and you have serious template problems, then at least you could have something to fall back on rather than being offline.

Unfortunately we can't discuss code snipets easily here because Blogger changes or deletes them. You can find my email in my profile.

If you are seeing something very different maybe we can exchange screen prints to see whats happening,

Have a good day tomorrow...

July 28, 2007 7:37 PM  
Blogger JQ75 said...

Oh now I see it, these damn eyes...

The middle column is wider in Internet Explorer and so your explicit able width is cutting the box short on the right. For your posts you have extra white margin on the right, but that looks fine, maybe even better than Firefox.

The div layer1 definition uses the relative width of 100%, where your header is using a table defined at absolute width 730. If the table width could be made relative, then the title and gray should move as needed. Then rather than using an absolute CSS margin, use CSS (cursor:block I think or maybe a float option) to cause the photo to center in the table too.

I didn't look close enough to find the dark blue ribbon borders on top and bottom, but they are working properly as relative to the size of the middle column.

Now here's something odd. If I'm at your main blog, your title is a different color and not clickable, but if I go into a permalink, it becomes a hyperlink.

And it only gets more fun with external style sheets...

BTW, I know for a fact Blogger "adjusts" the HTML. So if you put something in and you swear its just not happening, look at the code again and see if you've been "adjusted".

July 28, 2007 8:13 PM  
Blogger JQ75 said...

Are you using a tool to look at and edit the HTML?

If not I like PSPAD for code, the code explorer is great for seeing the hierarchy. And Notepad ++ for it's simplicity. Both are open source and do code highlighting, but code explorer is good for larger projects...

The code explorer will also find all links and images in the html.

In PSPAD you can see the templates deeply nested tables. This is one of the things CSS is trying to fix albeit by adding complexity.

It looks like the blue lines might be a height=11 class=headerborder. The first one is width 730, then your picture at 730 then another height=11 with width only 640.

I tried changing this locally to 730, but it still didn't work.

Then there are sidebar definitions with table widths from 1, 220, 231.

Next I took the TD line containing the picture line and changed the width from 730 to 100%. Wallah as the French say, no odd white on the left.

You do have more space on IE then Firefox and I think there is an inconsistency in the tables. If you could look at your HTML in Dreamweaver or maybe NVU you might see the problem.

There is still the issue of centering the picture, when I insert Blogger generated code it gets better, but could still be improved. If you insert the following code

style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;"

after the chevrom IMG and before the SRC= for the image. The quotes are needed and a blank before and after. This looks better to me in IE 7, but not as good in Firefox.

You can now see an obvious height problem, when I tried to adjust that it messed up other stuff.

The margin parm specifies top right bottom left. I added margin to the left as it was too close. For a complete discussion on CSS margin/padding/border look here.

So that's three changes, 640 to 730, 730 to 100%, and inserting the style clause.

Hope that helps, email if you want me to send full test HTML files...

July 28, 2007 10:35 PM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

John is the man to talk to Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!
He is one smart dude, trust me!

July 29, 2007 1:12 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

Hope you catch lots of fish.Are you gona have a fish fry if you do? Or is that just a Texan thing?lol
The pic?? I like! What a cutie.Reminds of how I really how I miss my Shitzu "Candy".
See ya when u get back,hun.
Have lotsa fun!

July 29, 2007 8:39 AM  
Blogger snowelf said...

Hey Barman,

I DO like the new look. And I'm a Firefox girl, so no problems here.



July 29, 2007 9:34 AM  
Blogger JQ75 said...

Snow, don't cha love how long it took Micro$oft to catch on to that radical tabbed browsing idea. MS is so innovative they wait about 5 years to introduce an inferior copy of what we've all been using.

And if you'd like a little security and reliability with your email, try Thunderbird.

Bryan, I see you got the code in the right place, I was experimenting with the output from the template, but you located the correct place in the template to produce the same output.

Since so many people use IE, it will look a lot better for them.

I'm no fan of upgrading for the heck of it, but if you look at the web page source for nested tables in HTML 3.0 templates vs the CSS groups in HTML 4.0 layouts you can see that there is a difference. Granted style sheets are no cakewalk either, but this banner issue may have been simpler under layout.

Of course why fix what isn't broken, unless Blogger breaks it...

Signed - JQ75, aka John, Enterprise IT Support, no fan of Microsoft

July 30, 2007 6:23 AM  
Blogger Mona said...

WOW! what a wonderful picture!
I can see it on the IE too!

But I cant see my own icon that my friend Charles fixed, without firefox!

July 30, 2007 8:20 AM  
Blogger barman said...

I want to thank you so much John for all your help. You guided me right to the correct spot to where I almost could not miss it. Your fixes were wonderful. It does not look perfect but, at this point, they are looking pretty darned acceptable. I need to dig into the CSS a little as, at least at this point I am puzzled on a few things like how the permalink page is even generated. But as I get time I am sure I will get there.

It's funny, I have been in IT developement for almost 30 years but it has all been mainframe or desktop apps. I am so lost with WEB apps. Thanks John for making the page work for me.

Oh and I am not getting into the browser wars. I use IE at work as that is the main browser we devlope to (although it has to run on FireFox also) and I use FireFox at home. Just the same I have both browsers in both places because there are always pages that will only run with one or they look terrible on the other.

Thank you Snow. Thanks to John it now looks pretty good in IE also. He really knows what he is doing.

Mona I can see you ... looking good. Oh and I kinda like having Friday up there. Nice picture Crabbs.

Tammi, I did not actually go fishing but there were people fishing at the reunion but not catching. Oh and yes we do big ole fish fries up here in Michigan, usually in the fall or early winter. Probably not healthy at all but yum! Thanks for the huggs Tammi.

Savant I ran out of time this morning. I will post a few pictures and tell what there is worth telling this evening.

Little Wing, I just found that out. I spent forever looking at my template and John just walsed in and said do this, this, and this and now it works. I think I could stand to learn a lot from him.

Thank you Lime. I went in with a bad attitude and had a good time despite me. It was a nice day indeed.

July 30, 2007 10:34 AM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

Barman, that's what friends are for!

July 30, 2007 12:10 PM  
Blogger Just Jan said...

We have no internet at the new apartment yet and it's driving me crazy!!!! (I'm sneaking at work right now).

I love the new header...what a cute puppy!!!

Hope the fishing trip/family reunion went well.

July 30, 2007 12:54 PM  
Blogger JQ75 said...

You are very welcome Bryan, I like technical puzzles, so off I went on it...

Well, I wouldn't call it a waltz, lol... Ya got to have some tools to look at the stuff, plain black & white notepad is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Since Web stuff is a bit of a hobby, I haven't tried code analyzers or validators, those probably would have flushed out the problem right away.

Things really are going toward CSS, so its a good thing to learn.

The permalink pages are built by Blogger and they do use the template, but the banner output is different. On the main page the title is just text, no anchor, but on the permalink page the title text is within the anchor that links to your home page.

So the css style definitions for anchor (a) are the key. But these anchor definitions will control all your links, so the color choice has to be good against all backgrounds and for all situations, banner (dark gray), sidebar (gray), and posted text (white).

With some careful, qualified CSS definitions or placement of the definitions, it would be possible to have different banner definitions from the rest. But CSS inheritance rules are pretty tricky.

Ahh, the mainframe, my favorite platform. I've been in Operating System Technical Support (on z/OS (latest MVS) and z/VM) for my whole 30 year career. I also am very knowledgeable on the zSeries hardware, virtualization, partitioning and configuring the machines. I've been looking for some opportunity to do Linux on zSeries (under z/VM). A big insurance company I visited is running 400 gigantic nationwide Linux servers on one z/990 with a dozen engines.

Oh I understand IT platform wars, just as bad as religious and political wars. lol

July 30, 2007 2:02 PM  
Blogger S said...

Nice blogging touch Barman!
Im back!
Did you take care of Gman for me while I was gone? LOL

July 30, 2007 6:49 PM  
Blogger BTExpress said...

OMG, I had a cairn terrier too. Fritz was our first dog. He was the best dog ever.

July 30, 2007 10:10 PM  
Blogger Suze said...

Bryan, I love the new header, Lucy look so cute. I'm looking forward to seeing your new look.

July 31, 2007 4:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great new look Bryan.:)

July 31, 2007 1:46 PM  

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