55Flash Fiction Friday |
Tonight just might be the night
She has me worried however
Hopefully we can do dinner first
I’m not bragging but once we start at it
it could go on for hours
I just hope when we are done
she does not bite my head off
It is so dangerous being a male praying mantis
She has me worried however
Hopefully we can do dinner first
I’m not bragging but once we start at it
it could go on for hours
I just hope when we are done
she does not bite my head off
It is so dangerous being a male praying mantis
I knew a little bit about praying mantis to begin with but then did a little reading in the wikipedia article so I had a little background for the 55.
I am starting to find out just how many people are doing these 55s. Wont you join us? Give it a try, it really is not that hard. All you need to do is post a small 55 word item. For some coming up with 55 words may seem hard but for most it is tough to keep it to just 55 words.
In these 55 words put together a little story with a plot and at least one main character. That is about it. Choose any subject. Try to keep it to 55 words. Mostly these are fiction but that is not always the case. Don't worry if you bend these simple rules a little. Once you have posted your 55 then be sure to stop by Susie's place and let her know. That way others can come see your 55 and you know who else to go visit yourself.
Give it a try, I think you will like it. Some people do a poem. Some do a continuing story. Some love to have a twist at the end. Everyone has their own little style.
Labels: Friday 55
OK Barman, I'm so glad that this was about insects!!!
Great Job!!!
Have a great week-end!
I'm visiting my brother in Oscoda!
later G-man
But, I love to be eaten!
Bryan you rock!
Now I didn't see that one comming!!!!!
LOL! that is so so funny & I like the twist in the end!
Poor male praying mantis...how will he survive the anxiety?! I wonder!!!
Fantastic and funny!
Very nice 55 Bryan.:)
G-Man, if you ever need a pick me up, chances are good you can be first here! Sides, I like to think everyone is first. Yes, it was a little hard trying to keep that one under wraps. The mantis is just so different. I love that area you are headed. My brothers in-laws have a place from just south of that area near East Tawas. I really meant to go back to the area again this year but it is not looking promising. Have a wonderful time.
Strumpet, there are good ways to be eaten and bad ways... and I think having your head eaten off is a bad way... well unless you are a guy... hummmm!
LW, it was interesting to hide. I am just thankful this does not happen to humans. Thank you.
Mona, I do not know. The male just got done having sex with the female for a real long time. He probably was feeling pretty good about then. I do not think I would do well as I get anxiety before going camping.
Thank you TC, glad to see you about the place again. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Keep that draw bridge ready ... I would love to come visit again sometime.
I always found the praying mantis sex situation difficult. Here's a guy, getting to have a great night, small glances at her thorax, and she rips his head off and copulates with him. Died for sex....
I bet the woman love it though.
and you know the Flash played too!
lol good one barman. I can almost picture him getting eaten at this minute. Poor Mr Mantis.
If only I was a praying mantis....
Just kidding. ;) Cause what if the sex was really good...if you kill him and eat him, it's such a waste!!
I LOVED the comic. So great!!
Great one! Love it, love it! Happy Friday!
I came to see yours Flash. Wonderful as always. I am thankful I am not a praying mantis. The penalty sounds just a little steep.
GAB, maybe he deserved it. Some of the conversations I hear women talk about sounds absolutely terrible. Thank you Gab, glad you stopped by.
Snowelf, here is the thing. It says the female MAY eat the male. Most of the time I guess she does but not always. You just make up your mind before things are over, was he a keeper or is it time for the grim reaper? Think of the service you would be doing for your fellow women folk.
Thank you Snow White. It was fun. You have a wonderful Friday too.
Great 55FFF!!!
Oooh very well done, Bryan! I love it...Im glad we humans dont have to eat our men after...ok i shut up now...
Thanks for playing!
I know I dont have one up...I will get around to it immediately.
it was good for me
was it good for you?
Can it be less than 55 words? Or exactly 55?
Love your 55 Mike. To bad it is so based on reality. Something to make us all think and hopefully be part of doing something.
Rebicmel, it is amazing the race survives. Maybe they have lots of young when they procreate.
Now, now S. Of course it would eb a benifit with some guys.
Thank you Ann. Time for the smokes.
Crabby, you try for 55 words. But I think people are pretty forgiving. Now the real question, do words like "a" and "is" count as a full word or a half word? What about supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
Lol too funny. by the way mine is up please everyone check it out
OMG that is way too funny!!!! LMAO
That was ingenious! There is nothing else that Ambre loves more than a double entendre! Job well done!
I'm up
hahahahah, i bet no male praying mantis would ever utter the words 'bite me' in anger...too likely to be his last words.
A little buggy love. Nice!
That was good! And you may just have tempted me to have a go! Is there a flash 550 yet?!!!
I was married to a praying mantis for 30 years and never got eaten once.
Jadey and Sophia, glad you enjoyed. Not sure why I headed that way, I was just on autopilot.
Ambre, I saw that. Your 55 from this week was a classic double entendre. You know I had to read it twice. Once to enjoy and the second time to see if it really worked and it so did.
Lime you got that right. Those sound like fighting words and you just know the female would not put up with that at all.
J, I like to try variety here.
Keith I know, it seems hard to keep it down. I have done one that I refused to call a 55 that was over 200 words so close.
Nick, I once worked with someone who was married and he was saying the very some thing. Now it was not 30 years but still basically the same. Maybe they were related.
BRYAN!!!!!! lol
Is it Friday yet? Oh wait...I"m late it's Monday...a day late a dollar short..hahaha
Oh! how I've missed the 55s, this was a good one, know a few women who practice the same habit!!!
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