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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Family Reunion - Part Tress

And now the conclusion. There were probably only about 18 or so people there. People have scattered to different states and one family that is the largest part were not there. Still we had a nice time sitting in the shade right next to the nice size Kent Lake.

Everyone brought a dish to pass (thank you Sign) and some food for themselves. I brought 5 gallons of water because I thought what would be better then to have a bottomless supply of ice water? I thought I was the only one drinking it but, to my surprise others were too. Good for them.

I met a couple of people I have never met before and promptly forgot their name, figures. I gave my uncle some sh*t because he has it coming. We talked some more. Did boat trips, visited a nature center in the park, went biking and hiking, had some more food. A very pleasant day over all. Sure nothing like the reunions gone by. We used to do volleyball and maybe boccie ball and played cards and ... but most everyone is in their 40s or even older and you can just see it. Last time I brought a net and set it up only a few kids played with it. Well lets geter done and bring on the last of the photos.

I have always thought kayaking looked cool although I can not help but thinking of flipping over and being trapped in the kayak upside down.

While I was out on the boat I saw more than a few sailboats. This lake was made for fishing and sailboats although motor boats were allowed on it. I was so torn. Do I put the sail boat right in the middle of the island and in the center of the picture or not. Eni, meni, minie, mo... It was almost to late when I decided not to center it. The second picture was a little nicer as it is closer up but the sky was not that good. Oh well, I just liked that sail boat I guess.

I thought the virgin looking shore line looked good. It so reminds me of typical Michigan.

I love this picture. I played and played and played with it and just could not get it. I wanted the sky to be just a little darker (why don't I have a polarizing filter, why) and I would like the island a little lighter. I played with it a ton in photoshop and went back to the original. This was one of my favorite pictures for the day. The sky is awesome.

Can you say paparazzi? I kind of got that feeling being of shore, using a big lens, shooting a beach volleyball game. Could that be Justin Timberlake or who ever it is that is all hot these days. Sorry ladies, no clue whose name I should have dropped. You know, I have not idea what Timberlake looks like anyway. Off to the right you see a fun looking water slide and at the bottom, what you can not see is it empties into a nice pool.

Again, man I need to get a polarizing filter so bad. This was a classic picture for the day I think. We have to guys in their super cool fishing boat just doing what feels good. I do not see the beer but I bet they got a cooler full somewhere. If only the water was not giving me so much glare. I got to get me a filter. A good one costs almost $200 ... bummer.

Here we have a couple of kids paddling through. Oh wait a minute, I think the lady in the back would love that I just called her a kid. Oh well, time for new reading glasses I guess.

And finally we have woodland creatures. They seem to have found an isolated spot. They are sitting back and watching the wild life go by. Be careful however, we would not want to spook them. I bet they would scamper back into the woods in seconds flat and not some out until dusk.

Well that was a little window into the family reunion. Sorry I posted so may pictures. I really tried to cut down on how many I had, honest.


Blogger Little Wing said...

Somehow I missed this post, when did it sneak in here???
What a nice reunion your family had!

August 03, 2007 1:22 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

More nice photos! You're right, a polarizing filter would really help with those lake shots.

Glad to see Clapton on board!

August 03, 2007 3:35 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Little Wing, I published the 55 then published this right after that and fooled with the times to make 55 come last. That is why you missed it.

Bob, what can I say, you showed me the error of my ways. I think I would have enough times that I would use the filter that it would be worth my while but ouch.

August 03, 2007 4:33 PM  

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