Bryan's Little Corner

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Down To The Wire

A while ago I stumbled across an interesting blog out there. The name of the site is blog interviewer. They provide a place to leave a brief interview about your site and allow people to vote either thumbs up if you are in favor of the persons blog, or vote thumbs down if you are against it. A running total is kept of how many thumbs up you receive so you can see who gets the most votes in a month. Then everything is set to zero and you start over again with the voting. So for you the blog owner you get some exposure you may not have gotten and get an idea of how your blog compares to others.

For everyone else you get to go and vote for your favorite blogs to help them win for the month. More importantly, you can use this to see if there are any blogs you might be interested in reading. A link is provided that will take you right to their blog.

And of course for blog interviewer they get more and more traffic which allows them to get paid for what they aer doing.

Basically it seems to be a win/win/win to me.

I have talked to one of the people with the site, Mike, and he seems to be ambitious about this and a super person to boot. If things keep up they way they have this could develop into a place to bookmark for sure. Speaking of bookmark, if you wish to visit them, click on the picture below.

Now for the second part of this post. I know three people that are running in the top 5 that would really love a vote from you if you can manage. It will not cost you anything, wont take long, and I have not seen any mail from them. All you need to do is click on one of the links before (please visit all three however) and give them a thumbs up. They allow you to vote once every 24 hours but, at least this time around, the clock runs out at the end of the day and then everything is reset to zero.

So if you have a moment, it would be nice if you could click the following links, and then click on the thumbs up symbol at the top of the page. I know they would appreciate it and I would too.

Click here to vote for Crabby of the Crabcake's Cowpie Field.

Click here to vote for SignGurl of Here's You Sign.

Click here to vote for GAB of Gabalot Bits.

Thanks so much. Oh and give Blog Interviewer a try sometime. They are just beginning and I already see a potential to be a pretty useful site.


Provided there was no cheating and no votes get thrown out, here is what the top 5 look like. Go Crabby.

Crabby's Cowpie Field- Crabby +230 rating
raymi the minx- Raymi Lauren +217 rating
Read This Sign- Signgurl +86 rating
I want to see, too!- Teresa Deak +81 rating
Gabalot's bits- Gab +73 rating

Thanks everyone. Congratulations to Crabby, SignGurl, and Gab who did super.
Blogger Crabby said...

Did I ever tell you what a super guy you are?

July 31, 2007 2:49 PM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

well I will head right over there barman, thanks for the info!!!

July 31, 2007 4:23 PM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Bryan, you are such a great guy!! I'm tied for 3rd right now. I may have to pull out some of Crabby's tricks and offer something up to people. She's good a that, hehe!

July 31, 2007 4:43 PM  
Blogger barman said...

A little late I am afraid but I like to try Crabby.

Thank you LW. You are super. You should think about doing the simple interview some time.

If all is as it appears Sign, you took 3rd. Yea! Glad that is over with.

August 01, 2007 1:30 AM  

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