Bryan's Little Corner

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

They Get That Wrong All The Time

Well we will see what happens. I finally spoke to the district court clerk about the ticket I received. That was after wading through about 30 minutes of please press 1, please press 2, yadda, yadda, yadda and not fitting into any of their categories.

Anyway they said that they go by where a person was when they received their ticket, not by what the officer wrote on the ticket as the citation as they get it wrong all the time. OK, first I am still uncomfortable with this but I guess I will admit guilt and send it in. I will probably say admit responsibility with explanation and send a letter to accompany the ticket. Basically stating what was said, where I was and the wrong citation. Hopefully that will be that. At the same time I am going to make a note to get back and check my record in a few weeks to see what really happened.

I just do not trust this thing at all. Am I being to paranoid?

Now the next thing. "the officers get this wrong all the time" Say what? Shouldn't these be educated individuals? Now I do not want their job but when you do you job wrong don't you get in trouble? Why are they being allowed to slide on this? Oh well I am not making a big stink about this but I am doing what I can to try and cover my bases. I think it is easier to put in legwork now rather than try and get the points taken off my record at a future date, Not to mention if the insurance company sees the points while they are on there.

You know, that radar detector is looking better and better. Not as a tool to help me speed but as a self defense. Also this one unit I was reading about, a Cobra, had this cool little thing built in that had several ways of recognizing emergency vehicles and letting you know they are in the area. I kind of like that idea in case I managed to miss the fire truck flying up on me for some reason. It would not be bad to be warned about that. Also one time I saw a ambulance come up to an intersection and a car that was on the opposite road come up to the same intersection at the same time. Can you say accident? Maybe it would not be so bad after all. Now if only I knew which one to get.

Anyway that is my little update. Other than that I am in experimentation now on what I need to do to put together the cornhole boards as I have most of the material to make one set. I just need to learn how to do a few things and get comfortable with the tools I have before jumping in probably over the weekend. It promises be fun.
Blogger GAB said...

Make sure you make copies of everything you send in so you have backup proof if you need it.

August 16, 2007 9:02 AM  
Blogger GAB said...

woot I was first!

August 16, 2007 9:02 AM  
Blogger lime said...

what? you mean you don't thnk some paper pusher who wasn't even there wouldn't be more accurate than the cop who was? i'm just shocked....and 30 minutes winding thru phone mazes?'s all so uch better these days, isn't it? ack...hope you ge tthe points off.

August 16, 2007 9:09 AM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

I hope it works out for you.
Points are not a good thing!

August 16, 2007 10:49 AM  
Blogger BTExpress said...

I would contest it if you have points against you. Points cost money by the increase in your insurance premium. I also would trust the bureaucrat on the phone. You should go down and speak to someone in person and make sure it is done right on the spot. I don't think it will be easy to change if they say one thing,but do the other.

August 16, 2007 2:12 PM  
Blogger Little Wing said...

Also, here in Cali. we can go to a class and keep the points off the record.
Does your state have that?

August 16, 2007 6:26 PM  
Blogger jillie said...

Speeding tickets SUCK! I was just reading the story.

I've been to class and it's GREAT to have that option can only use it every couple of years or 18 months. Something like that. I was able to do it on line and you have to test after each chapter and then take the final test. I sure beats giving them a full day of my time when I can be out there speeding I right???? LMAO....

August 16, 2007 7:07 PM  
Blogger barman said...

You can bet on it GAB. I even copied the check just so I have proof of it's existence.

Lime, the 30 minutes was a exaggeration but the ability for me to speak to the clerk was buried way in and it did take time to find. We will see how things go. So far no points yet but I did write the letter and even produce a map of the area. I just know I am going to get in trouble for doing that for being a smart ass.

Jadey, in theory it should work but we will see. I am doing about all I can short of contesting in court which I fail to see how that is in anyones best interest. This should be able to be taken care of without that.

Tony, I know you are right. I have everything done short of talking to someone face to face. I hope I am not going to regret that but I know you are right.

Little Wing, I am not sure if we have that option but I think we do. I would certainly take that option. Besides it is a good refresher too as I am sure there are things I do not even know.

Jillie, you are so right. Besides, online maybe I can even have someone else do the class and I can get together a bribe to pay them off. ;)

August 16, 2007 9:00 PM  

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