Bryan's Little Corner

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Monday, November 05, 2007

Lines and Planes and Snakes Oh My

Sorry for more or less reusing my subject line but I was not feeling to creative.

I forgot something from the last post. I know the ladies will like this. At the bar we were at there was a line for the restroom. The line was for the guys. There was probably 20 guys in line. Now get this. The gals just walked right in, no line what so ever. I have never seen this before ever. Amazing.


I watched a movie on TV yesterday more or less by accident. I will not go into a lot of detail because I know this will still be hard for some (myself included) and others just will not want to hear it. The movies was Flight 93. If you recall that was the plane that crashed into a Pennsylvania field when the passengers attempted to take control of the hijacked airliner on September 11, 2001. I was fascinated to see and hear all the Air Traffic Control drama of what happened although you know they over dramatized it for the movie. What I did not like was they showed the hijacking to a certain extent. They made them seem kind of almost dumb. They also did not make them seem as violent as I assume they were. Still I was not thrilled about that. They also showed the Trade Center Tower on fire and showed the second plane come in but did not show it actually hit. Still, this is something I could do without. All and all it was a movie I had avoided but I guess I am mostly happy I saw it.


Now for something a little different. A few days ago I started playing a game online. It is called Snake. Now I have seen that type of game before but never played it. This one is an adult game in that it has a lady stripping on it every time you eat a green dot but to be honest, I am way to busy with the game to really even notice what the cartoon is doing off to the side. Anyway I did not understand the rules and had much to learn. Eventually I learned the rules and the tricks and have gotten pretty good at the game as now I almost play it on auto pilot, but oh my aching wrists. In three days I would say I played over 10 hours of it. I am so addicted. So much so that I think I may need to give it up. I have even found myself looking at things like a list of specials at the Chinese restaurant and thinking how I would attack it with the snake getting rid of all the words. I also find myself thinking about quick turns which I think is key to being successful at Snake. Yep I need a 12 step program for Snake so bad right now. I wonder if they have a self help group?
Blogger GAB said...

So where is this game located? can we check it out!
I remember the movie well. And here it has been running just about everyday on one of the cable channels that we do have for now. Like HBO

November 05, 2007 11:52 PM  
Blogger Queenie said...

Yep! you need therapy, even when your reading the menu, serious stuff man.......
No not never in my life have I seen a queue outside the gentlemans, did you take a picture? Then again you might get some strange looks taking pics of men outside the loo.......

November 06, 2007 2:26 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Yep Queenie, I need help bad. As to the picture, I learned once again last year not a good idea to bring a camera to the bar so no, no picture. But you know without a picture no one will believe me.

November 06, 2007 7:01 AM  
Blogger Mike Minzes said...

Flight 93 was a little over dramatized. But I agree that there were scenes that didn't need to be in that movie to tell the story.

November 06, 2007 7:17 AM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Can you choose who does the stripping? I don't need anymore addictions. I've recently picked up my on-line poker addiction.

November 06, 2007 7:32 AM  
Blogger lime said...

ok, i am still stuck onmthe bathroom lines. what kind of weird parallel universe did youslip into? or was there some gal in the men's room giving lap dances for free?

November 06, 2007 8:00 AM  
Blogger Manny said...

barman, you can ply with your snake for 10 hours? You are my hero. LOL Only kidding.

I know what you mean about the wrists being sore afterward (hehe). I get so caught up in video games. Hours can go by and I won't even notice.

November 06, 2007 8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not ready to see a movie like that yet, heck I still haven't seen Apocolypse now.

November 06, 2007 8:47 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Mike I so agree. If they would have left those scenes out I think it would have been a better movie.

Sign I thought of stripping in front of my computer but ... well no one wants to see that! :) I know about the addiction. I think I need to give it up now before it is to late.

You know Lime I was totally amazed. Granted there were a lot of guys in the bar but you know there were also a lot of women. As to the lap dances ... I guess I must have missed it if there were any going on. Darn.

Manny that was over three days ... oh wait, that is worse. I so lost track of time yesterday morning. I woke up early so I started to play. Before I knew it I was almost late for work. Where did the time fly off to?

TC, everyone will see those movies when they are ready or maybe never. I have struggled with them myself because I was so devistated when the event happened but I also wanted to see some of them eventually. I personally thought "World Trade Center" was pretty well done and mostly focused on this one firefighter company. In any case I think these movies, if done properly, should have been done. How does that saying go, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it? Now you and I will never forget this day but my niece who was 6 at the time probably does not know much of anything about that day. Of course I guess that is what documentaries are for.

November 06, 2007 10:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wanna play, damnit.

November 06, 2007 11:08 PM  
Blogger Manny said...

It is with a great measure of shame I have to admit...

I have stayed home from work to play video games. My mother got hooked too. She and I would take a day now and then off just to play.

November 07, 2007 6:37 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Stealth I do know... my wrists are killing me ...

Manny that is known as a mental health day. It is good for you every now and again. Now if you do that more than you work that could be a problem.

November 07, 2007 7:35 AM  

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