Bryan's Little Corner

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I have a question... how do you do it, especially you ladies?

Yesterday was a most interesting day. I had to go outside several times for work. Now I am a big guy but I could not believe what happened. I felt like a kite yesterday. No, not high like a kite. I was being blown around like a kite. I heard here in Michigan we had winds in excess of 51 miles an hour but still, I was actually being tossed around a little. I am not really sure how it is SignGurl did not get blown away to Chicago or something. At one point there was even sting sleet, stinging because of how hard it was blowing.

Something funny about yesterday however... I drive a soccer Mom mobile (without the soccer Mom, sigh) and I do not recall being to tossed around in the minivan. That is most unusual as they are a fairly big profile vehicle, nothing like a full size van but still.

I got buzzed yesterday and no it was not at work although that might have helped. Hummmm. Anyway I went in for a hair cut so I would look presentable at the viewing of my Friends Mom today. When I walked in I almost walked right out. The place was more crowded than I have ever seen it but the lady said I was third in line and it would not be long. Then I looked around

There were at least 6 nice looking you ladies there, all very nicely tan. No doubt they were there for the tanning beds. My I would not have minded helping them apply some tanning oil. No sir. Of course I am a terrible judge of age so I best never mind.

The haircut turned out great and I should feel like I am showing my respect today and not just being a circus clown. Speaking of clown, I do have a big red nose I could put on but no big floppy... shoes to go with it. Oh well, just as well. I would get in trouble.

Growing up I ended up moving a couple of friends up to college after graduating high school. We had some fin times the first few years of college, to bad I did not go there but it was probably for the best. Anyway it was at Eastern Michigan University that I met my two bets friends. I met L first and we really got along great. I ended up making more than a few trips to Flint to visit over the summer and got to know her family very well. I had a thing for her Sister but that never went anywhere but oh well. Anyway I do miss those days. I have not visited her folks for many years as her Mom has had late stages Alzheimer and I know the family was not real comfortable with visitors. Well that and her Mom did not even recognize her own younger daughter most of the time and her daughter had devoted a large part of her life to caring for her Mom.

Later in that freshman year I also met my other best friend, P. We had a lot in common, photography and computers. It was not uncommon to go to the computer lab and spend an entire night in that lab. I unofficially learned a lot during that time and got exposed to some things I would not have been exposed to otherwise. I know, can you day GEEK? Still we definitely bonded.

Later in the year something interesting happened. My one best friend started to hang around my other best friend, you know as part of the group at first but then secretly after a while. Things were a little strange once that happened at least for a while. They even got worse when, in August of 1980 they were married. I kind of stayed away for a year but in the end I am happy how things turned out. I have two great friends that I feel equally comfortable with either of them separately and just as wonderful with them as a couple. I am all but family which makes this viewing I am going to even more sad for me. Well that and Ps parents are not in the best of health either. Between that and my parents this could be a very bad few years coming up.

Well I best go see if I can not spiff myself up a little for the viewing tonight and give my boss a good scare. At the moment they are allowing us to dress casually and here I am going to come into work all dressed up. That to me smells of an interview. After losing one developer that would be devastating to lose the other developer that can do what we do, at least I think it would be. Maybe I should play with this one... Then again he probably figures I am harmless and not going anywhere and he would be right, at least for now.

Wow it looks like a lovely day out there. The sun is out full, the winds have died down, and I can hear the birds a calling. I best go check out what they want. I think we have enough nice weather in store today, if any of you would need any nice weather I am sure I can box you up a little. It will not be real warm but it will be nice just the same.
Blogger Carol said...

It is kind of you to support your friends by going to this viewing.

I remember Stephen Levine saying that this is a rare time in human history. Not until recently have we humans been able to still have living parents after we've reached middle age. We can (hopefully) bring more wisdom and understanding to the experience than in most previous generations when parents died while children were very young.

At least that's what Stephen Levine says, and I believe him... ;-)

I think that it's good to keep your boss on his toes, so may your spiffiness today make him wonder for a moment...

April 02, 2008 9:53 AM  
Blogger Just Jan said...

Just stopping by to say's beeen awhile. I don't get around as much as I used to since I work all the time and have very little computer time anymore.

April 02, 2008 10:50 AM  
Blogger GAB said...

I thought when you said buzz that you meant you got an electrial shock! whew glad I was wrong.

April 02, 2008 6:28 PM  
Blogger G-Man said...

My Grandmother always used to say, you don't go for the dead, you go for the living....G

April 02, 2008 9:30 PM  
Blogger S said...

Ok wait how do we do what?
Get our hair cut?
Survive strong winds without being blown down?
What are you talking about man?

I get my hair cut once a year. The cutter always tell me that if I cut it more often, I wouldnt have so many split ends. Ok that way she could get more money out of me couldnt she? Besides, my hair grows very slowly.


April 03, 2008 12:54 AM  
Blogger jillie said...

Ok...all the wind saves on blow drying my hair?

I actually like the wind.

I think your boss needs to buff up your salary if he wants to keep you!

Get out and enjoy that sun...son! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

April 03, 2008 10:29 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Carol, I can be unthinking or appear to be uncaring at times but I really do try to be there for people when I can. At the wake I was at they had several pictures that was a generations picture in which there were 4 generations in one picture. Not that long ago that would be all but impossible. It is something else. The person that passed on this past weekend was able to get to know her great grand daughter. Amazing. I think it is good to keep the boss on his toes but, as a whole, they have been fairly decent to me.

Hi Jan, sorry I have been lax in visiting. I will try and correct that next week when things slow down. I hope all is well with you.

Gab, sometimes I think an electrical shock is just what I need. But it would not look nice like the hair cut does. Oh well.

You (and your Grandmother) are so right. I went to show support. I so wish I could have been there today.

Suzie, how do you keep from being blown away by high winds? I do not even want to know about hair cuts. 3 or 4 times a year is just fine by me. But you, you impress me that you do not even go that often. Wow.

You know Jillie, blow dry with the wind has got to be better than a hair drier. Isn't the heat damaging? I think the wind is OK but as high is it was I worried about damage to my house or worse. Other than that, not to bad. As to the sallery I am better than the others since I have been working here forever (almost 20 years). Right now I am just looking at the pressure of being the only person that can support what I can support. If they could hire a good person to be there doing that with me they will make me happy.

The sun is GORGOUS. I am hoping topen the house a little after work even thought it might be chilly.

April 03, 2008 1:19 PM  
Blogger BTExpress said...

Rubbing tanning oil on chicks body's would be expected as part of good customer service, right? And you want to make the customer happy, right? Of course, so oil away!

Next time just wear an old shirt to work and leave the good one in the car. Then change into it after work.

April 03, 2008 2:58 PM  
Blogger barman said...


Tony customer service is so important! :)

I sort of did what you said about the shirt in the car. The shirt I had fit to snug so I went out at lunch and bought another. Of course it would be all wrinkled so I dropped it through the was while I was on lunch and came back and picked it up after work. Indirectly I did the same thing. Good idea however.

April 03, 2008 3:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Alex and I are awake now at 3:00 a.m. because there is thunder and lightening outside along with (nasty) rain and the winds are at near gale force. I know ‘cause the furball had me open the door so he could look outside.

April 04, 2008 2:58 AM  
Blogger CG said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! You sound like a very caring friend! I enjoyed reading your blog posts.

April 05, 2008 5:30 AM  
Blogger Cha Cha said...

How do us ladies do WHAT?

Oh, and the wind can blow Sign-babe to Chi-town anytime.

We'd have a blast.

Oh, ah. I just read your comment to Susie.

I have felt like the wind here in Chi was going to blow me away a few times myself.

I think what keeps it from happening is gravity.

Other than that I'm not sure.

April 05, 2008 9:02 AM  
Blogger Anonymouse said...

Its shocking, at least it was to me, when you realize that your parents are in that zone. Their friends, and people you have known your entire life, are starting to get "things" that end or severely deplete their lives. Cancer, heart Attacks, Strokes, Alzhiemers... I've been to a funeral this past year for one family friend and we have another under going her second round of chemo who is giving things away. Its not good when you start giving your shit away.

Makes me hug my Mom more n tell her I love her.

Sorry for your Loss...

April 13, 2008 7:04 AM  

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