Saturday's Photo Scavengar Hunt - Plush |
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This weeks theme is PLUSH.
What, may I ask, is PLUSH? I checked the dictionary.
Main Entry: 1plush

Pronunciation: 'pl&sh
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French peluche
: a fabric with an even pile longer and less dense than velvet pile
OK, so it is fancy fabric. I still don't have that. I don't have time for this today on Michigan vs Ohio State game day. Time for a trip to the store...
Here we have my latest peanuts aqaisistion. I love peanuts, always have. Snoopy has been my fave character forever.

The above pictures are of my cairo cabinet. It has 5 shelves, 4 are dedicated to peanuts, the top one has special moments like my Redwings, curling and stuff from my Brother's and Sister's weddings. I just temporarily stuffed the plush into the cabinet. I need to redo it again. Also you may notice one of the porcelain characters down. That would be Sally, the lush. I bet you did not know that about her. I need to get around to glueing that sometime.
For those in the United States Don't forget to catch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (again, I know) on ABC on Monday at 8:00 PM EST. I hope everyone in the United States has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Don't eat to much. For everyone else have a great week and see everyone on the next hunt.
Labels: PhotoHunter, Plush
GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!
You have just the right photo for PLUSH today. I didn't have time either to go fetch a new photo for today's theme, so I "created" my own
Awwwww so dang cute. I love peanuts anyways. But all my plushies are just plain teddy bears I think.
Great collection!!!
Thanks for the tip on Charlie Brown... I jut schedule my Tivo for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is on 11/28 at 7pm (CST).
Have a great day!
My head hurt's.
Did you get drunk dialed?
Ahhhh ah ah ah ouch!
Yes Manny, I was drunk dialed but they were kind. I got called at half time when Michigan was down 28 to 14.
It was fun but I have got to do something about my friends. I was at the bar with 4 other people and they were all Buckeyes. How did I hook up with such a hostil group anyway. Actually it was fine. The bar seemed to be about even split with Ohio fans and Michigan fans. The tables by us almost came to blows at one point but I am not sure if it was a Ohio/Michigan thing or just two women net getting along. It finally settled down and the rest of the game all was fine.
I had way to much to drink yesterday. My head does not hurt but I will probably take all day trying to recover just the same. I am so glad the game turned out the way it did. It was an exciting game throught all the way to the end. It was as it should have been only my team lost. Oh well.
Awww, Snoopy is the best! I still have Snoopy plushs that I got as a child! Great pictures Barman! I love Peanuts!
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