And Their Off |
I do not know if you have ever heard a horse race being announced before but that is where the title for this post comes from. That is typically what you hear when the horses first come out of the starting gate at the beginning of the race.
Well I have been on the diet for about a week. First thing I think I will change is lose the word diet. I need to change my frame of mind. I have proven to myself that I am more than capable of losing weight. What I need to do now is work on how I keep that off while I am losing the weight. That way when I get to a healthy weight I can maintain that weight.
The number for week one is
Now I am not going to be posting about this. That would be boring. I may from time to time mention things. I think instead I will take the above picture and keep it up to date and off over to the sidebar. Anyone interested can see what is going on. Also, maybe it will add just a little kick in the pants for me to keep on the straight and narrow.
Well since I am posting about this lets talk about it just a little. What I am trying to do is focus on a change. First change is to eat more protein and less carbs. What carbs I do eat make sure they are good carbs and not bad carbs. Pay attention to portion sizes. Eat six smaller meals a day rather then two or three. This is all new to me so it is a big work in progress. I can't wait for a few weeks down the road where I settle in.
Next thing I need to do is the exercise. I probably will start out with all aerobics. In the end it will be a aerobics every other day and weight training on the other days. I am suppose to take a day off once a week, both on the weight loss and the exercise. I am not sure I can afford the exercise break. Maybe I will just substitute a walk but not push myself then. The workouts are not much. 30 minutes of aerobics, 20 minutes of weight training. Something I should be able to find the time to do.
The reason I say I do not know if I can afford the break is I am diabetic. I need to be active daily. I think eating 6 times a day will also be a good thing to help keep the blood sugar at a more even level. Eating carbs that slowly release (good carbs) will also be a good thing. I can not help but believe these changes will be a very positive thing for me.
Yesterday was a very pleasant surprise. I was putting on my pants, one leg at a time. When it came time to fasten the belt, I noticed I was able to take it in a notch. Now a notch is about 1 inch I believe. In the past I have noticed that when I lose 5 pounds I also lose about an inch around the waist. How exciting. I was getting feedback that things were working even without stepping on the scale. It is stuff like that that will keep me going. That and the positive changes in my health. I have noticed a change there too. Yes it is minor but it is there. All this from one week. When I get the exercise working for me it will be just super.
This past week has been hard. We had an office Christmas party. There was tons of snacky food and deserts around. Guess what, the left overs followed us and showed up at work. They are still there (we always have tons left over). I have been bad. I have eat things I should not, most notably cheese but also crackers and a few other things. So it has been off to a shaky start but you know what... I consider that OK for now. I mean at least I am started before the beginning of the new year. I will keep the holidays from turning into a time when I gain weight to a time when I either maintain or lose a few pounds. That has to be positive. Also as I get this puppy underway I will enforce my will as I see results. Yes the holidays is not an easy time to try and lose weight but it will work out just fine.
Well I have bored you long enough. Look for the scale to show up on the sidebar once I get in and update the template. With luck I will be a big loser in the coming weeks and months. First you need to take your first steps, baby steps, and I have done that with one week under my belt.
You put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking cross the floor. You put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door --Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Well I have been on the diet for about a week. First thing I think I will change is lose the word diet. I need to change my frame of mind. I have proven to myself that I am more than capable of losing weight. What I need to do now is work on how I keep that off while I am losing the weight. That way when I get to a healthy weight I can maintain that weight.
The number for week one is
Now I am not going to be posting about this. That would be boring. I may from time to time mention things. I think instead I will take the above picture and keep it up to date and off over to the sidebar. Anyone interested can see what is going on. Also, maybe it will add just a little kick in the pants for me to keep on the straight and narrow.
Well since I am posting about this lets talk about it just a little. What I am trying to do is focus on a change. First change is to eat more protein and less carbs. What carbs I do eat make sure they are good carbs and not bad carbs. Pay attention to portion sizes. Eat six smaller meals a day rather then two or three. This is all new to me so it is a big work in progress. I can't wait for a few weeks down the road where I settle in.
Next thing I need to do is the exercise. I probably will start out with all aerobics. In the end it will be a aerobics every other day and weight training on the other days. I am suppose to take a day off once a week, both on the weight loss and the exercise. I am not sure I can afford the exercise break. Maybe I will just substitute a walk but not push myself then. The workouts are not much. 30 minutes of aerobics, 20 minutes of weight training. Something I should be able to find the time to do.
The reason I say I do not know if I can afford the break is I am diabetic. I need to be active daily. I think eating 6 times a day will also be a good thing to help keep the blood sugar at a more even level. Eating carbs that slowly release (good carbs) will also be a good thing. I can not help but believe these changes will be a very positive thing for me.
Yesterday was a very pleasant surprise. I was putting on my pants, one leg at a time. When it came time to fasten the belt, I noticed I was able to take it in a notch. Now a notch is about 1 inch I believe. In the past I have noticed that when I lose 5 pounds I also lose about an inch around the waist. How exciting. I was getting feedback that things were working even without stepping on the scale. It is stuff like that that will keep me going. That and the positive changes in my health. I have noticed a change there too. Yes it is minor but it is there. All this from one week. When I get the exercise working for me it will be just super.
This past week has been hard. We had an office Christmas party. There was tons of snacky food and deserts around. Guess what, the left overs followed us and showed up at work. They are still there (we always have tons left over). I have been bad. I have eat things I should not, most notably cheese but also crackers and a few other things. So it has been off to a shaky start but you know what... I consider that OK for now. I mean at least I am started before the beginning of the new year. I will keep the holidays from turning into a time when I gain weight to a time when I either maintain or lose a few pounds. That has to be positive. Also as I get this puppy underway I will enforce my will as I see results. Yes the holidays is not an easy time to try and lose weight but it will work out just fine.
Well I have bored you long enough. Look for the scale to show up on the sidebar once I get in and update the template. With luck I will be a big loser in the coming weeks and months. First you need to take your first steps, baby steps, and I have done that with one week under my belt.
You put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking cross the floor. You put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door --Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! *clapping* Way to go!
I didn't know that you were diabetic.
Yushie, I can not wait to get the exercise going strong, that will really help. Hopefully I can put together 2 more good weeks then it will be a habbit (21 days I hear).
Denny so far it is going OK but the other times I tried to diet I found myself getting weak. I think this is working out better for me.
Sign, I know. I never said and I did not behave myself. Look at all the jello shots I did. Not good.
I'm proud of you for taking this big step. I did the same thing many years ago when I went on Weight Watchers. I was successful in loosing the weight, but unsuccessful in keeping it off. I hope you have better luck than I did.
Thank you Tony. I lost a lot before on WW. You would not have recognized me but I put it all back on. That is why I am trying to do some things different. It was not WW that was the problem. I think they are great. It was afterwards that killed me. Hey I have to work on the 35# thing you mentioned.
Everything you describe for your plan is EXACTLY how I lost over 20 pounds this year. I'm not quite there yet, but the whole "eat six times a day" and the exercise routine, the healthier foods and the portion control... it all worked like a champ. I hope you have the same type of success.
Thank you Jake, that is encouraging. I look forward to getting through the holidays so I have more time to get organized but so far I am liking what I see. It does not seem that hard yet either.
Don't sweat the Jello shots. Mine were sugar free.
See Sign, and everyone loved your shots. I will have to try that myself.
Searabbit. I bet it is your metabalism is slowing down. A little bit more exercise will probably help and I hear eating 6 meals a day rather than 3 helps kick in the metabalism too. If I have anything exciting to share I will be sure to pass it along. I finally got the book that talks about the new way to eat (diet). Know maybe I will know what I am doing. Please so stop by anytime.
Bryan, this is great news! Good for you, your attitude towards this seems to be just right. I believe you will win this race...
Way to go Bryan, sounds like you have an excellent plan.
Good luck my friend
Barman, I've "cheated" a few times too... but I think as long as you focus on the "free day" concept it's easier. When I really want something I think about whether I want today to be my free day. And if not, I walk away and go drink some water to occupy myself!
I've heard NOTHING but good things about our new way of eating, and I have to say that I'm thrilled to have you join me in it... it's sort of like having a partner at it. :)
You've done great so far... don't sweat the cheating, just focus on the overall goal. If I eat some cheese or other "junky stuff", I just think, "ok, there were my carbs, so lets find some good protein, and I'll make the NEXT meal a healthier carb." Cheese IS my weakness though, so I've bought some low-fat cheese, so I have some I'm allowed. That helps me pass up the others.
Keep me up to date on how you're doing... I really do want to know!
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