Bryan's Little Corner

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

MIA onces again

I have a problem.

I have a tendency to start something and never finish it. For that reason if I have something I really want to finish I typically focus only on that one thing until it is done. I suppose that is why I read books the way I do. I pick it up and read until I am to tired to read and I either just fall asleep or I actually put the book down first before falling asleep. Then when I wake up a little later on I start all over again until I am finished with the book.

Just over a month ago I started to write a program to help with administration of Flickr groups. In one weekend I had done research to see if anyone else was doing this. I found two others, one of which sounded similar. So I downloaded it and ran it. I think there were a lot of good things about this program but I just did not understand the output. That and there were no directions and without them it was easy to use the program wrong.

Within that first weekend I had a working shell of a program in place and I proved I could do what I wanted to do despite this was all new to me. From there I started to expand the program and add the ability for anyone to use it. I also created documentation. If you have ever known what a programmer does, let me tell you one of the things they do not do is documentation.

Well here we are a whole month later and I finally have a complete program that I actually feel comfortable saying I wrote. I have a 24 page manual (or so) for the program although trust me, it is not the best manual you will have ever read. I am entertaining thoughts of trying to sell this program. It meant I needed to make some changes to make the program a little more respectable. It also means I need to make another change. I have an imagine in the program that I do not have rights to. I am looking to see if I can find something to replace it with so I can become legitimate. I have a few other things that I am working on but maybe, just maybe I will actually make a buck or two on this. That would be so cool. Unfortunetly it is not something I could retire on but I might be able to buy a fancy coffee or two.

I know G-Man posted pictures (and I am sure Sign did also) of what we did a week ago. Here we go anyway. The three of us met up on the road and went over to celebrate the graduation of one of our own, Sarah. We got to meet most of her family, have some good eats, dodge a few small storms, and well just enjoy the day. I even snuck in a couple of beers. So here are a few of the pictures from that day.

First we have a head shot of the graduate herself.


And now she was so kind to don the cap and gown for those of us who skipped the ceremony and just attended the PARTY!


This has to be about the cutest picture I got for the day. G-Man in the background but ... the real beauties here are Sign and Sara.


Now we needed to get one of G-Man of course with one of his classic G-Man looks.


And finally we had a group portrait. Can you say Cheese???


Well now that I have the program done maybe I can get back into blogging. Sorry I have been away for so long. So what has everyone been up to???
Blogger S said...

If you all arent the sweetest bunch of blog people ever! Hello to everyone, I know I have been a lame blogger.....

Hugs, kisses etc. And congratulations, graduate!!!!


May 26, 2008 12:17 AM  
Blogger S said...

hee hee hee I neverhave gotten to do that yet!


May 26, 2008 12:18 AM  
Blogger barman said...

Thanks for the smile Suzie and anytime you want a yahtzee just make your way one over. My blog does not see a lot of traffic especially when I am being lame myself. Not that that is taking anything away from you.

May 26, 2008 12:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Completing a project like that can give one a marvelous feeling. I hope you’re feeling it, my friend.

Thanks for sharing the lovely graduation pics.

May 26, 2008 4:52 AM  
Blogger SignGurl said...

Very impressive, B! I know how hard you have been working on that program, so congrats to you.

I cannot believe how beautiful the images you take are. Your pictures are so much clearer than mine. You really do have an awesome talent.

Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

May 26, 2008 4:50 PM  
Blogger lime said...

what terrific pictures. that had to make sara's day to have all of you there. thanks for sharing the shots.

May 26, 2008 10:33 PM  
Blogger barman said...

Nick it does feel good but I need to step away from the computer. I just can not leave it be. I ended up adding a table of contents to the documentation. It is a disease but at last I think I can walk away... I hope.

Sign I did do a little post process as, with it being so bright, things were a little washed out. But over all how could I do bad with the subjects I had to work with. You are Sarah are just adorable ... And G-Man, well G-Man is G-Man and people love him just the way he is. Well maybe not his son with the BBQ and all. You know, I always look at everyone else's pictures and think the same thing. Your pictures turn out mighty fine too.

Lime I am sure she did as it was her special day and, at least the first part, she had only family. Well then again I guess we are sort of like family too. Anyway it was fun and interesting meeting her family. I especially loved her Grampa well that and Star too. It was also fun as the family was asking how we knew each other. That whole online thing is so hard for people to understand. They did not do any better at it then others.

Oh I left something off. One of Sarah's gifts was to be able to take at least one lap (it may have been more) around a track in a NASCAR. She was so stoked about that.

May 27, 2008 5:11 AM  
Blogger Spoony Quine said...

` Awww, you miscreants are so cute! Duvs G-man's mustache, though you're just a floating head!

June 17, 2008 11:33 PM  

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